Monday, July 11, 2011


6/5/11@12:00 mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved.]

Many anointed ones shall go in this season, saith the Lord, and yea, for disobedience unto the Father.

The priesthood hath been compromised, saith the Lord. It is my desire to transformeth the hearts of the people for many hath waxed cold.

They ignoreth my commands. They putteth unto the hearts of my people, soot.

I giveth unto thee a Certificate Of Authenticity. A Decree, saith the Lord. For I stampeth ICABOD upon many of the churches, saith the Lord.

I bringeth judgment upon the lands. Decree, Proclaim, and Declare for I shutteth many doors. I am rebuilding and breaking up fallow ground in many regions.

Declare ICABOD hath come for I hath given a decree of death.

A Newbirth, for the remaining churches. They shall flourish with a quickness, saith the Lord for Restoration, Rejuvenation, and Resurrection Above The Mundane. Those that are dying- wilt die. Those that standeth upon The Rock shall stand. The earth trembeleth, the rocks shattereth at the sound of my voice. Their foundations shall crumble unexpectedly, overnight.
The remaining few - with grace and tenacity, saith the Lord. Seek me in Matthew 7:24 - 27.

Make a Certificate Of Decree - Proclaim and Declare Among the Apostles - The Winds of the Holy Spirit Bringeth Forth Change!

Ye moveth in this season as a Prophetess of Judgment, saith the Lord. Sealeth the Judgment with An Apostolic Mandate For Change. All wilt occur suddenly, saith the Lord.

I washeth away the filth unto the daughters of Zion. Prophesy Son of Man, What Thus Saith The Lord.

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