Tuesday, December 4, 2012


11/22/12@ 12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by De'bora To The Nations  [Copyright (c) 2012 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]


Telleth my people what the Father sayest unto thee.  Offer unto me, my children, sacrifices of praise and worship.  Never be afraid to bask in my presence for yea, I am love.  The epitomy of love.  Nay, man cannot phanthom.  I loveth my people De'bora for yea, they art my creation but I repelleth the stench of sin not pleasing unto my nostrils.

There shall be a shift of duties within the government.  Many secret meetings are being held all around the world.  Plans on how to take over America and overthrow the government.  Plans on how to infiltrate the mind of the people.  A prerequisite to the MARK OF THE BEAST - 666. 

Once the mind is at ease, there are plans being made for pollution to contaminate thy thinking process. Watch the internet and television advertisements.  An easy access for the enemy for controlling the mind.  Stop watching television and falling asleep with the television on.  A targeted time of penetration.  The Father sharest with thee wisdom.  When the evil one taketh over the mind, he hast mastered the soul.  Stay in the presence of worship music. 

Whence ye art having problems with electronic devices, knowest the enemy is near, my children, saith the Lord.

Cleanse thy environments with Frankinsence (spices), it shieldeth the mind.  Shareth this wisdom unto my people.  A secret process.  Anoint thy heads with oil.  Demonic activity repelleth by oil.  Keep a hedge of protection around thy minds.  A target area for unto the enemy.   Seek me in prayer.  I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.

Monday, December 3, 2012


11/12/12@ 12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered By De'bora To The Nations [Copyright (c) 2012 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]



De'bora, to all whom ye minister to, share this message for yea, they art THE CHOSEN ONES. I sendeth thee unto the chosen ones, my daughter, to leadeth my people unto ME.  Earmark the chosen ones and just pray general prayers for all.  I wilt complete the rest of the task.  Sendeth the prophecies out around the world.  They wilt go out as the angels carryeth the word.  Ye doth not have to convince the people.  That is my job daughter, to complete the task and accomplish the rest of each individuals journey.  Worry not, just pave the way and pray.  Plant the seed - I wilt watereth and the angels will commandeth the people where to go.  I giveth thee instructions how to proceed.  I telleth thee what to say.  Doth thou understandeth thy assignment?  Move with a quickness.  I am healing my people.  Thy base scripture wilt be unto Matthew 24 and 25.

 Telleth my people, prepare ye the way.  Prophets and Apostles, those who lieth dormant.  The answer to the call is either yea, or nay.  Move forward and move on.  Tarry not, for ye doth not have time.  Kadima! For yea, a faith walk.

Telleth my people, many denominations wilt begin to merge with one another intergrating the standards of kingdom principles upon their lives, saith the Lord.  A wholelistic approach to ministry.  The whole of mankind side by side, saith the Father. (See PODCAST 43 - 9/16/11@12 :00noon)

Thy opposition, my children, is the prerequisite of testing before thy new journey unfolds unto the Father.   I bringeth thee out of thy current situations but only through thy obedience, saith the Lord.  Speaketh life and not death over thy current situation, for yea, this is a test, saith the Lord.

 Hearest my voice, not unto man.  Sharest not this message with anyone.  Not a message for everybody, for nay, all are not ready or in position to receive.   Look not to the right or to the left for the Father biddeth unto THEE to come.  Worry not, for the ones I hath chosen, hast been called.  Seek me in Isaiah 45, saith the Lord. I calleth thee by thy name, my chosen, as unto Isaiah 45.  Be ye not afraid.  I prepareth my people.  Be prepared for change, saith the Lord.

12/12/12 - the beginning date for the preparation of my people BEFORE the devastations occur. Many art called but few are chosen. The ones who hearest my voice wilt heed my beconning call. And yea, this is the preparation needed TO PREPARE FOR THE COMING EVENTS ACCORDING TO DANIELS TIMELINE. The Father calleth unto THE CHOSEN ONES. And yea, ye, art the chosen ones.

A new change cometh upon thy life. .My blessing unto thee cometh forth.   All wilt be revealed upon thy obedience.  Pray unto the Father, in secret, and the Father who seeth in secret wilt rewardeth thee openly.

Only go where ye hath been chosen to go.  For I sendeth unto thee. I biddeth thee to come. 

Monday, October 15, 2012


10/10/12@12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by De'bora To The Nations [Copyright (c) 2012 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]

Many wilt be released unto the wilderness camps, saith the Lord.  The time for preparation hath come.  A shift hath taken place in the earthly realm.  On earth as it is in heaven.  I am giving my people secret codes to hearest my voice in the midst of turmoil, saith the Lord.  And yea, all shalt become clear in thy mind.  Some codes wilt be individual and some collective for a body.  Be ye not afraid.  Always stay scriptual and ye wilt not falter or miss the leading of the Father.  Do not delay, practice now, for ye to heareth the voice of the Lord - knowest thou this, new directions shalt be given unto my people.  Hear and obey.

Go back to the beginning and understandeth how the Father leadeth my people, Israel, in the midst of trouble.  Call on me and I wilt answer and showest thee great and mighty things that ye knowest not.  A time and season to grow in the Father.  Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek,  and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you:  Pray for one another.  I admonish ye to pray, saith the Lord.  Seek me in Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 and Matthew 4.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


9/19/12@ 12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by De'bora To The Nations [Copyright (c) 2012 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved}

There wilt be a national crisis announced over the news regarding the state of the economy, saith the Lord.  Devastations shall erupt across the lands, including the U.S.  A national panic to take place and occur.  Many choices for survival will have to be made my children, saith the Lord.  Take heed to my warnings and stay prayerful and in my presence for I leadeth and guideth thee into all truth.

War shall consume many other countries.  Devastations to occur within the following countries - Brazil, Madagascar, Italy and Russia.  

Listen to the voice of my prophets across the lands.  And yea, many are sleeping or lying dormant not pleasing unto the Father.  I sayeth unto thee, WAKE-UP  for many changes to be made manifest across the nations are at hand.  The Lord leadeth and guideth thee, knowest thou this.  Not soon to come.

Hear what the Spirit sayest unto the church - People will be running to the hills to escape national disasters.  Many more earth quakes to come as the trembling of the core of the earth ruptures.  It is the core of the matter, the root that purges all unwanted impurities, saith the Lord.  Pollution can no longer goeth on.  There is no more room within the core of the earth.

Many damnations to follow as I purge and cleanse unwanted fecal matter within the soul of man.  I am cleansing throughout, saith the Lord.

Send my prophecies out.  Keep them not unto thyselves.  I maketh my people aware.  But nay, not the end of the world.  A time of warning and preparation for established security.  The eyes of the Father roameth to and fro upon the earth.  I seeketh those who art mine.  Decisions need to be made regarding lifesyles and mindsets.  Set thy hearts my children, upon things above for yea, there shall be change.  Be ye not adamant of living in the past for the Father hath moved steps beyond the past into the future promises of man.  Come higher to seeketh wisdom for all ye who labor for the Father, I giveth unto thee rest.  Arise, Arise, Awake, Awake.  There is no one that needeth to live in darkness for ye art children of light.

 Love and compassion is needeth to be shed upon one another.  As ye my children embarketh upon a new journey unbeknown to man.  Ye must be led by the Father.  Hearest my voice, for yea, I am speaking.  Followeth the voice of the Lord.  Not unto man for man wilt betrayeth thee.  Let love be thy guide.

Love is a powerful comodity upon man but he knowest not thereof.  Man chooseth to squander.  Man squandereth in hate and other seat of emotions upon thy comfort.  For it was love that propelled the resurrection.  Love takes more effort.  Love goes beyond compromise.  It is more of a challenge to love which is why man chooses hate.  The difference between an atom bomb and a nuclear bomb.

The younger children's voices needeth to be heard for yea, unto them  mankind needeth fresh oil and the anointing of wisdom.  Supplement what is taught unto thy children in schools.  Subliminal plots of the enemy against the children through the mind.  I revealeth unto my people through visions and dreams.  An end-time source of direction for yea, the media has been infiltrated and polluted by the evil one.  A warning, BEWARE.  Shield thy minds by reading and viewing appropriate literature.  Prayer wilt act as a shield to filter out demonic demise.  Be ye not the ones to compromise.  The enemy attacketh the divinely inspired WILL of man.

A proper diet must be adhered to.  Encourage one another for words spoken are powerful.  May be the difference between life and death.

I sendeth prophecies unto the young children in each family.  A secret way of communication from unto the Father.  Listen to their dialogue.  A secret mode of survival for the airways have become corrupt.  Listen to their voices and take heed to the word of the Lord spoken out of their mouths.  A secret mode of communication given from unto the Father.  Align the children's voices with scripture.  Ye wilt heareth the Father speak.

Speaketh unto the young women for the enemy hath planned an attack against the womb of reproduction to contaminate the womb from the birthing of males through sexual promiscuity and the contraction of disease.
A form of genocide to reduce the upcoming need in increase of military forces.  The target are the younger men who can offer manpower and strength.  Return to the covenant of marriage as the foundation of sexual affairs.  Many strains of viruses to be announced without a cure.  Wise choices must be made to prevent this form of extermination towards the younger generation.

Educate the young children regarding biblical prophecy.  They needeth an understanding for the direction of the Lord.  Let not age matter.  Educate I say.  Plant seeds for they wilt germinate and grow.  Assist the young ones how to piece things together to formulate concepts within their mind.

Intercessors must pray to seeth behind closed doors to seeth wickedness in high places, not exposed yet, but soon to come, saith the Father.

Personal properties wilt be at stake as the governments wilt express a need to taketh over land.  Set not thy hearts on material things.  Learn to live with less and not be corrupted by media spending.  Determine what ye wilt need upon necessity.  Be frugal in thy spending within this hour.  Not a time for riotous living.  Knowest thou this, every penny counts, saith the Father.  Become thrifty and spend less.  The Father giveth wisdom from on high from the Throne.  Heed my beconning call.  Seek me in Genesis 1:1-3, 14;  Matthew 24 and 25: 1-13, Psalm 33:18, 2 Peter 3, Luke 21, Matthew 9: 8-17 and Hebrews 3,4,11

Go in peace my children for I am with thee.  I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.  

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


8/8/12@7:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by De'bora To The Nations [(c)2012by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]

I am revealing secrets of the Adamic Covenant yet to be unfolded, saith the Lord.  Much truth to impart upon my children, regarding the creation of man and thy DNA. 

Severe windstorms shall be reported on the media in the regions of the Middle East as the Winds of Holy Spirit bring about change.  Devastations will also occur causing blindness unto the eyes.

Monday, August 6, 2012


7/22/12@12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by De'bora To The Nations [Copyright (c) 2012 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]

A powerful anointing shall descend upon the church, saith the Lord for those who followeth my commands.  A season of change and transition as my spirit moves across the lands.  Search out the scriptures for truth for what ye wilt see and hear unto the media will baffle even the most intellectual mind.  Securities around the world shall be breached as man seeketh fame and fortune.  Pray before releasing information, saith the Lord.  For many wilt seeketh personal gain over honest integrity.  Beware, the spirit of deception pervails.  When in doubt, seek unto the Father for I wilt showest thee how the spirit is trying to manifest upon a situation.  I shall reveal "the hidden things" unto my children.  Plan and be well organized in all things.  It would be better to wait than to move forward without a plan.  The enemy watcheth intently.  Seek divine wisdom.  Rely not upon thy cognitive thought processes for ye may error.  Not a season for investments without confirmation from the Father, yea or nay.  Knowest thou this, thy Father which art in heaven is able to prosper thee in drought.  But ye must be led by my spirit, saith the Lord.  A greater level of intimacy is required for success in all endeavors, saith the Lord.  A season for continuous prayer.  Pray for the younger generations for they shall spring forth suddenly as warriors unto my kingdom.  Take care of thy health, my children, saith the Lord.  For air borne diseases shall be made manifest from unsanitary conditions in foreign lands. Proper sleep, diet and exercise wilt aid to shieldeth thee.  Not a season for riotus living, wilt have negative results.  Pray for adequate health care from the professionals.  Silent atrocities are occuring, "Behind the Scenes", in secret places unbeknown to man.  But yea, I shall expose truth.  Knowest thou this, the media does not revealeth all regarding health care matters.  Watch for political forums to convey, " A Meeting of the Minds."  Deceptions through false religions shall increase at a  rapid rate, as man seeketh "quick" solutions to major problems.  Allow time for solitude each day to spend time with the Father.  Messianic impartation shall befall upon many churches.  Go in peace, my children, I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


7/2/12@5:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by De'bora To The Nations
[Copyright 2012 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]


HEAR YE, HEAR YE, The Father moveth upon the lands.  Judgment cometh unto some, my glory shall showeth upon others.  Be ye ready for I cometh within the next 7 days.  Be ye ready, my children, saith the Lord.  Set thy houses in order.  Many countries shall experience devastations for idolatrous living.  Others will be engrossed of the blessings for divine order, saith the Lord.  Prepare ye the way for change.  Ye wilt seest the confirmations from this message throughout the media, saith the Lord.  I am restoring economical budgets.  Ye shalt see a contrast in all things.  Blessings and Curses.  The anointing cometh to empower my people.  Ye shalt see many supernatural healings for nay, it is not my desire for people to perish.  Governmental structures shalt either flourish or fall.  Nay, no more delay.  Set thy houses in order, a warning, saith the Lord.  Seek me in Deuteronomy 28 - 30 and John 14, saith the Lord.

Friday, May 25, 2012


5/20/12@7:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright (c) 2012 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]

Many knoweth not the time, nor the hour.  They straddle the time zone, not pleasing unto the Father, saith the Lord.  For yea, it bringeth forth confusion and unnecessary warfare upon thy family near and far, generations I say, unto the four corners of the earth.  For yea, this is a generational anointing I showereth upon my children, saith the Lord.  Teach this in thy ministries.  A destiny shift has occured unto the church.  A universal message, saith the Lord.  I am moving as unto the fulfillment of scripture my children.  Listen for and be attentive to my commands.  Follow and obey.  Lean not to thine own understanding.  Leave the rebellious ones behind.  They wilt come forth in due season.  But nay, not until they have experienced trials and opposition due to portals, legal right of trespass unto the enemy.  Come forth my children for yea, perilous times lie ahead.  Come unto the shelter of the Father.  My wings shieldeth thee from the onslaught of the enemy.  Blessings showered upon thee from unto the Father maketh one rich and addeth no sorrow.  Come my children come, saith the Lord.  Seek me in Ecclesiastes 3, Joel 2:28, Acts 2, Books of Daniel and Revelation.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


4/22/12@12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2012 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]

No man knowest the movement of the Father in this hour.  It must be revealed unto thee for I cometh a new way.  Many changes shall be made manifest unto the leadership of the church, saith the Lord.  A new direction the Father giveth unto thee.  Seek me in prayer and fasting for much wisdom hath I to impart upon my people.  Many churches shall change direction in mid-stream for new anointings of empowerment cometh upon thee.  Ye must be prepared properly.  Knoweth thou this, man cannot help thee.  Seek unto the Father for thine own wisdom for nay, none is the same.  A radical movement taketh place unto my kingdom.  New directions, new assignments and new appointments for many of the leaders will be made manifest within the next few months.  Be ye not frivolous my children for the Father seekest hearts of obedience.  Obedience is better than sacrifice.  For all who obey my individual commands shall experience a deeper intimacy unto the Father.  A path ye know not of my children, saith the Lord.   A divine connection and a primary point of reference upon thy future.  Come closer my children, saith the Lord for the Father seeketh unto thee a divine place of rest.  Seek me in Hebrews 11.  Supernatural healings as I cleanse the soul of man.  Many hearts have waxed cold, many of my anointed hath gone astray.  Wherefore art thou my children?  The souls art dying.  The Father hath need of thee.  A refreshing is needeth upon the hearts of man.  Alloweth the Father to reposition the church.  A due process already in motion, saith the Lord.  For many, my glory shall arise upon thee.  I welcome thee unto the Fathers arms.  Many needeth comfort and reassurance.  The Father sayest unto thee, love ye one to another.  A season of love.  Let not the enemy deceiveth thee, my children, through vain imaginations, sickness and strife.  Fight the good fight of faith.  Put ye on the whole armor of God and I will meet each one from whence ye are, saith the Father.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


4/8/12@12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2012 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]

A season of growth and development unto my people, saith the Lord. Seek me through prayer after ye hath read through the following scriptures, saith the lord. The Father revealeth unto thee the mysteries of the gospel and hidden secret codes. Ye wilt needeth unto thy journey for a shift hath taken place unto the significance of time. Lean not to thine own understanding. For I cometh a new way in the lives of my people.

Ye shalt begin to see children advance at a rapid rate unto their cognitive processing of concepts and ideas for I shineth a light upon their minds supernaturally. I seeketh untainted vessels of purity for my spirit to be able to feed divine wisdom, saith the Lord. Listen to their thoughts and ideas for I revealeth business ventures and entrepreneurial ways for prosperity, saith the Lord. Wisdom speaks. Seek me in Leviticus 23 and Genesis 1, saith the Father.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


3/16/12@12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2012 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]

Many countries shall begin to falter as their economic status begins to change. New alliances for support shall be established.

Myriads of people shall begin to panic and make rash decisions without evaluating the matter. The result shall be an open door for enemy demise as demonic soul ties are formed. Beware my children and be wise. Ask unto the Father for approval in all thy pertinent decisions making processes. Be ye not anxious to form alliances with another. A trick of the enemy for the wiles of the evil one are many. Fast and pray. Seek the Father for wisdom. I respondeth unto thee, yea, or nay. Whence ye heareth my voice, obey. Knowest thou this, thy decision could be the result of prosperity or ruin.

It is my desire to shower my children with many blessings in this season. Petition unto the Father thy needs, saith the Lord. I cometh with a quickness to answer thy prayers.

Foreign matters should be at the forefront of thy concerns, saith the Lord, for yea, media news shall effect global economy overnight. Keep thyselves abreast of what is occurring around the world. Pollution that will affect thy health and well being as a result of natural disasters. It is not my desire for anyone to perish. Be diligent in adhering to precautions, my children, saith the Lord.

Talk less and listen more. Heareth the still soft voice of the Father. I giveth instructions to those who are wise.

Pray for leaders who holdeth high ranking offices. The enemy planneth temptations through seductions, lusts of the flesh

Seeth through the eyes of the Father not the eyes of man. For man wilt deceiveth thee.

I poureth out love through my spirit. Useth love as thy weapon of warfare for it shieldeth thee, my children. Love and unity - alloweth to become one upon thy heart, saith the Lord. Doth not my word say, Love is as strong as death? divideth not through frivol0us desputes. Immediately forgive offences. Let not ill feelings fester upon thy hearts in this season, saith the Lord. Seek answers to everyday problems through my word. A guiding light unto thee. Whence ye applieth upon thy lives, ye shall not falter.

Embrace messianic teachings, my children, for yea, I am speaking and revealeth mysteries of the gospel. Embrace I say, ye needeth the wisdom of Solomon to direct thy paths. Much to unfold.

Seek me in 1 Corinthians 5:7-8, Matthew 16:11-12, Romans 11, Psalm 94:14,

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


2/5/12 @12:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2012 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]

There is a process in all things and nay, man knowest not the process of the Father in this hour. But yea, much to be revealeth my children, saith the Lord as mysteries of the Gospel unfoldeth unto thee. A time for unity to be established among my people. Listen unto my prophets, saith the Lord for through them the Father provideth wisdom. But yea, it is the will of the Father for ye to discern truth from error for many wilt be deceived. More to come as I poureth my spirit upon all flesh, the Spirit speaks expressly. Many personal visitations my children as my Spirit moveth upon the lands. Seek the Father for confirmation, yea or nay, when in doubt. Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding. Seek me in Psalm 32: 8,9 for I giveth unto thee wisdom to feedeth my people across the lands near and far, saith the Lord. ARISE, SHINE; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.


1/23/12@3:00am- Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2012 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]

I am raising up the warriors for battle, my children for no man knows the date, time nor the hour when the Son of Man cometh not even the angels in heaven. Is that not my word, saith the Lord. Prepare ye the way of the Father through thy obedience once ye receiveth my commands for I cometh a new way. Be ye not slothful. Move with a quickness for I hath much to impart unto my people. A transitional and positional change I bringeth upon the lands near and far. Who wilt go to spread forth my vision? Come hither my children. Knowest thou this. Wisdom speaks. Seek me in Proverbs 3, saith the Father. A new direction to be revealed - seek me in Matthew 24. I cometh a new way De'bora through Messianic Teachings upon the lands. The Messianic impartation shall befall upon many churches. Seek me in Isaiah 11.

I am tired of grandstanding prophets for personal gain. A need for my servants to humble themselves. Teach this in thy ministries, saith the Lord. Embarrass not the people on private matters, saith the Lord.

Many countries will begin to see transitions as I moveth upon the lands. A sweep for I am cleansing and purifying the earth of unwanted fecal matter. Corruption hath reached its peak. I am cleansing the hearts of man. It is my desire for men to seek a wife. The enemy has released strains of bacterial diseases into the earthly realm. Be ye aware of fornication for it may hath deadly results, saith the Lord. Gender identity crisis, yea shall increase. Subliminal messages wilt be imposed within media verbiage. Read and reread. Advertisements shall promote gender change. Free will advertisements with subliminal undertones promoting sexual perversion shall appear. A trick of the enemy to attack the family structure ordained by the Father. Read the word daily. Saturate thy spirits with truth my children, saith the Lord. Read ye Torah to understand the heart of the father for purity. Clean versus unclean ordaineth for man. Goeth back to the beginning of my commands for yea, I cometh to purify the heart and mind of my creation. Knowest thou this, the adversary polluteth the air through sight and sound. Be cautious of what ye hear, see, and read. Open portals for thy demise, saith the Lord. Be ye not anxious to look upon pop-ups on the internet. Spirits of mind control and confusion pervail. The enemy attack through lust of the eyes. Protect thy children, saith the Lord. As unto Pharoah , the enemy targeteth the male and first born seed. Prayer is an essential factor against the wiles of the adversary. Stay focused. Be ye not frivolous unto thy emotions. Be cognizant of all who cometh to HELP. Discern the intent for the enemy sendeth messengers unawares for thy demise during times of weakness my children, saith the Lord. Fortify thyselves through prayer. The angels cometh to thy aid. Ye needeth spiritual eyes in this season for there has been a shift in the spirit as biblical prophecy cometh to pass, saith the Lord. Seek the Father for I revealeth many things. Secrets of the Gospel begin to unfold. Receive with gladness my children, saith the Father for ye will needeth the shield and buckler of truth to be girded upon thy loins. Governmental structures continue to decay as re-alliances begin to form. Research the heart of the matter before making political decisions. Asketh unto the Father, where dost the enemy lie. Spirits of deception prevail. Study the process of end-time prophecy as truth begins to unfold. I am speaking. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.


1/3/12 @3:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2012 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]

I cometh to bring healing in the midst of famine across the lands. I needeth faith ministers unto the Gospel. Is that not my word? Walk by faith and not by sight and ye shall have all that ye needeth, saith the Lord. Ye shalt be exceeding abundantly blessed. Doth thou believe? I taketh man back to the beginning. If man walketh by faith, my word stands as truth, saith the Lord. teach this in thy ministries.