Tuesday, November 11, 2014


10/31/14 @ 3:00 am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by D'vorah To The Nations [Copyright 2014 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]

Come my children, Koh Amar YHVH as I prepareth thee for, " The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb."  And yea, I prepareth my bride for which she hath yielded unto my command.  Be ye not slorhful for yea, timing is essential.  I cometh a new way, embrace me thereof.

Take time unto thyselves, my children and yea, take time unto me for I hath much to reveal as ye cast away all that besets thee from entering unto my presence.  A time of sacrifice and yea a time of need for ye to receiveth all things the Father hath for thee.  Be ye not dismayed for I bringeth unto my children of obedience, Joy!  A season of abundance, and yea more than enough, surplus.  Doubt not my voice.

But, there art procedures ye must follow to enter of therein.  Ye cannot come to meet unto the Father by way of complacency for the Father seeketh from unto thee, thy whole heart.  Changeth thy ways, Koh Amar YHVH.

Seek me in prayer for yea, many hath gone astray.  Not pleasing unto the Father.  Ye must push too meet me a little harder then ye hath done in the past.  I cometh a new way.  Seek me not as unto the past.  For ye wilt not findeth the Father unto that place.

I have a lot to share but unfortunetly not all of my children wilt share unto the blessings bestowed from the Father.  And yea, this grieveth my heart.

 I am cleansing the earth of much unwanted impurity.  Ye shalt see change near and far.  Many knowest not for the change shalt come radically overnight.  Prepare ye the way properly by coming unto the Father.  Else ye wilt not seeth the changes that art coming until ye art consumed in the mist thereof.  What a pity whence I hath spent so much time beconning ye to, "Come To Me."

Doubt not my voice, for yea, this is the Father.  I sendeth many vessels to harken unto thee but many listeneth not.  Come, my children, come.  Time is short.  The Father hath spoken.  Seek me in proverbs 8. and 2 Corinthians 6: 14 - 7:1.  Come out from among them, Koh Amar YHVH.