Tuesday, December 4, 2012


11/22/12@ 12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by De'bora To The Nations  [Copyright (c) 2012 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]


Telleth my people what the Father sayest unto thee.  Offer unto me, my children, sacrifices of praise and worship.  Never be afraid to bask in my presence for yea, I am love.  The epitomy of love.  Nay, man cannot phanthom.  I loveth my people De'bora for yea, they art my creation but I repelleth the stench of sin not pleasing unto my nostrils.

There shall be a shift of duties within the government.  Many secret meetings are being held all around the world.  Plans on how to take over America and overthrow the government.  Plans on how to infiltrate the mind of the people.  A prerequisite to the MARK OF THE BEAST - 666. 

Once the mind is at ease, there are plans being made for pollution to contaminate thy thinking process. Watch the internet and television advertisements.  An easy access for the enemy for controlling the mind.  Stop watching television and falling asleep with the television on.  A targeted time of penetration.  The Father sharest with thee wisdom.  When the evil one taketh over the mind, he hast mastered the soul.  Stay in the presence of worship music. 

Whence ye art having problems with electronic devices, knowest the enemy is near, my children, saith the Lord.

Cleanse thy environments with Frankinsence (spices), it shieldeth the mind.  Shareth this wisdom unto my people.  A secret process.  Anoint thy heads with oil.  Demonic activity repelleth by oil.  Keep a hedge of protection around thy minds.  A target area for unto the enemy.   Seek me in prayer.  I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.

Monday, December 3, 2012


11/12/12@ 12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered By De'bora To The Nations [Copyright (c) 2012 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]



De'bora, to all whom ye minister to, share this message for yea, they art THE CHOSEN ONES. I sendeth thee unto the chosen ones, my daughter, to leadeth my people unto ME.  Earmark the chosen ones and just pray general prayers for all.  I wilt complete the rest of the task.  Sendeth the prophecies out around the world.  They wilt go out as the angels carryeth the word.  Ye doth not have to convince the people.  That is my job daughter, to complete the task and accomplish the rest of each individuals journey.  Worry not, just pave the way and pray.  Plant the seed - I wilt watereth and the angels will commandeth the people where to go.  I giveth thee instructions how to proceed.  I telleth thee what to say.  Doth thou understandeth thy assignment?  Move with a quickness.  I am healing my people.  Thy base scripture wilt be unto Matthew 24 and 25.

 Telleth my people, prepare ye the way.  Prophets and Apostles, those who lieth dormant.  The answer to the call is either yea, or nay.  Move forward and move on.  Tarry not, for ye doth not have time.  Kadima! For yea, a faith walk.

Telleth my people, many denominations wilt begin to merge with one another intergrating the standards of kingdom principles upon their lives, saith the Lord.  A wholelistic approach to ministry.  The whole of mankind side by side, saith the Father. (See PODCAST 43 - 9/16/11@12 :00noon)

Thy opposition, my children, is the prerequisite of testing before thy new journey unfolds unto the Father.   I bringeth thee out of thy current situations but only through thy obedience, saith the Lord.  Speaketh life and not death over thy current situation, for yea, this is a test, saith the Lord.

 Hearest my voice, not unto man.  Sharest not this message with anyone.  Not a message for everybody, for nay, all are not ready or in position to receive.   Look not to the right or to the left for the Father biddeth unto THEE to come.  Worry not, for the ones I hath chosen, hast been called.  Seek me in Isaiah 45, saith the Lord. I calleth thee by thy name, my chosen, as unto Isaiah 45.  Be ye not afraid.  I prepareth my people.  Be prepared for change, saith the Lord.

12/12/12 - the beginning date for the preparation of my people BEFORE the devastations occur. Many art called but few are chosen. The ones who hearest my voice wilt heed my beconning call. And yea, this is the preparation needed TO PREPARE FOR THE COMING EVENTS ACCORDING TO DANIELS TIMELINE. The Father calleth unto THE CHOSEN ONES. And yea, ye, art the chosen ones.

A new change cometh upon thy life. .My blessing unto thee cometh forth.   All wilt be revealed upon thy obedience.  Pray unto the Father, in secret, and the Father who seeth in secret wilt rewardeth thee openly.

Only go where ye hath been chosen to go.  For I sendeth unto thee. I biddeth thee to come.