Saturday, March 7, 2009

3/2/09 @ 5:00 am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered By Prophetess De'bora To The Nations


I bring newness to my people, saith the Lord. They look for me the old way, but they shall not find me. Man knowest not the depths of sin beginning with Adam and its destruction upon relationships and the family. But I am pouring out my spirit upon all flesh for understanding to repair the breach in the relationships of man. Many mysteries shall be revealed unto the lusts of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life, for my people to come under subjection to truth, saith the Lord. The pride of life is what keeps man from saying " I Am Sorry" in relationships whether they are intimate or platonic. What man thinketh about relationships is not the core of the matter. There are universal laws that govern morals and values. But the Father is omniscience, omnipotent and omnipresent. And yea, i will reveal unto man, the areas where there is lack of understanding. I am teaching about " Little " things that make a " Big" difference. Learn to mature in thy interactions with people and sayeth " I Am Sorry" my children, saith the Lord. Beware of the wiles of the enemy, my children. Some things need to be confessed out loud whether ye are interacting with men or women, platonic or intimate relationships. Do not assume everything is allright. Ye must master the mysteries of relationships. Understand the magnitude of the Father in love and compassion, for my people, whoever they are, saith the Lord. The shepherd over the sheep. This is why man hath the need to learn to love one another. Love comes in all forms and degrees. Learn these words, my children, saith the Lord, " I Am Sorry. " Use them but they must be heartfelt and the behavior changed. Knowest thou this, when a trust factor hath been breached between people, the two words are necessary for the breach of trust to be healed and mended, saith the Lord. Else there remaineth a wound that stayeth open as unto a sore. And yea, the heart of man will become rotten. Teach this in thy ministries. If one never sayeth, " I Am Sorry", the porthole never closes to the wounded soul but is left open causing pain and festation, as unto a malignant disease, saith the Lord. My children must learn to feel and understand the burdens of others. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord. And yea, my children, watch the news. Pray for salvation in the following countries as the Father speakest unto thee - Guyana, Trinidad and Italy. I am moving throughout the lands to lead my people in the path of righteousness for my name sake. Pray intercessors pray! It is the will of the Lord for ye to warn the people of upcoming devastations throughout the lands.

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