Thursday, January 29, 2009

1/28/09 @5:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Prophetess De'bora To The Nations


Tell my people, De'bora, thy Father which art in heaven speakest unto thee. Learn to move in my exact timing, saith the Lord. Many hath fallen into a pattern of slothfulness and disobedience. Not so, the enemy cometh to sift ye as wheat, be cautious. But know that ye are divinely protected. Stay underneath the covering. Knowest thou this my children, saith the Lord, slothfulness and diobedience, hindereth thy lives. Teach this in thy ministries. Follow the pattern of the Father, nay, not another, says God. I hate slothfulness. Knowest thou this. A hinderance of progression unto the Father. Cometh unto the Father in song when the enemy cometh to distract thee. Be ye steadfast in this season. Else ye will be sorry, my children. Much wisdom the Father hath to giveth unto the church. Worry not, the Father is with thee. No more condemnation, keep moving forward, saith the Lord. Teach this in thy sermons. Tell my people to keep moving forward. If ye stumble or fall, get up and keep moving forward. Too many hath fallen astray. Not the will of the Father. Do not look back, for yea, my promises are yea and amen. Knowest thou this, tomorrow cometh in favor of the Lord. Teach this in thy ministries. Decree and declare VICTORY no matter what befalleth thee. I will honor thy faithfulness, saith the Lord. I give unto thee favor. Many shall receive financial blessings within (3) weeks. Get thy houses in order. The release cometh through thy obedience unto the Father, saith the Lord. Use the money wisely and seek me for divine wisdom on how to build, saith the Lord. Pay thy tithes, be ye not slothful in this area. A trick of the enemy to disinherit thee, but not so. The will of the Father shall be carried out throughout the lands. Mega ministries am I building to house the souls the Father sendeth unto man. The release is coming my children. Prepare ye the way. A year of preparation for some, and yea, receipt of thy blessings unto others. For many hath been given new visions to be birthed out before thy financial increase can come. Be ye not overcome by filthy lucre, saith the Lord. Knowest thou this, the enemy cometh to temp thee. Be ye unmoveable in this season. Holliness unto the Lord. Thy husbands are in preparation my daughters, be patient and wait. Move not before the timing of the Father else ye will be sorrowful, for yea, ye will hath proceedeth in error. Forfit not thy blessing. Doth not my word say, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. And it shall come to pass, in the timing of the Father. Not the timing of man. The Father asketh unto thee, my daughters. Are ye ready to receive thy blessings???

1 comment:

momo1212 said...

Amen. We must not question the good Lord, have faith in God and trust his word. We don't know how, we don't know when, but he will return and cast his judgement.