Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Received 6/24/15 @ 12:00 mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Devorah To The Nations  [Copyright 2015 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved] .  But Posted on this blog 8/5/15 @ 12:00 noon

From The Desk Of Devorah
Office of Apostle / Prophet

Year:  Tammuz - Av 5775

Parashat: Weekly TORAH Reading

Torah : (First 5 Books of Moses)
    Devarim (Deuteronomy) 7: 12 - 11: 25

Haftorah: (Prophetic Portion)
    Yesha Yahu (49: 14 - 51 : 3)

Brit Hadassah:  (New Covenant / New Testament)
     Mattiyahu (Matthew) 4: 1 - 11
     Luke 4: 1-13
     Ya'akov (James) 5: 7-11

This is not a moedim (season) to flounder aimlessly my children, Koh Amar YHVH  for many hearest not my voice.  Those who wilt not receive my Torah shall embark upon another path.

 A time of discernment and then confirm unto the Father.  For yea, I separate the chaff from the wheat.  A necessary feat in this moedim.

 More irratical behavior to come forth from the government.  The breakdown is near.  Just continue to pray.  It keeps things in balance as I have planned.

Followeth my commands for ye knowest not how I wilt move.  I may change a thing overnight for yea, the opposition cometh through principalities.  And yea, why my people must cometh higher in frequency to heareth my voice.

There wilt be governmental breakdown very soon, overnight.  Warn my people.  No global solution.

 Each must seek me in prayer for yea, the solutions to problems cometh individualistically.  But yea, knowest the Father is available to giveth my people instructions.  Not one wilt be the same.  Explain the process as I have taught unto thee, Devorah.  There is not one individual solution.  Stress this point!  Each one must come to seek their own instruction for themselves and their families.  But yea, portals are open, channel of therein, Koh Amar YHVH.

Guard over thy children.  I giveth warnings.  Shield through prayer.  Ye shall begin to see extreme bizarre behavior.  Listen to the news for yea, it hath begun.  Shield through prayer.  I am listening, Koh Amar YHVH.

Transitions cometh upon many jobs.  Companies wilt be closing unexpectedly overnight which is why ye wilt needeth instruction from the Father how to survive.  DO NOT PANIC.  EMPHASIZE, Devorah, TAP IN for yea, I am thy solution, not man.  A supernatural feat only accomlished through the Father.  Not a season for spending for I hath given several warnings.  Be frugal in all financial matters for ye canst not rely upon thy savings.  A radical change to occureth within the economical banking system.  Ye MUST relieth upon the Father for survival.  But Yea, I am near to come to thy aid.  Do not ask me how.  The key factor is trust.
Become not disgruntle.  For yea, it wilt hinder the process.

Pray quickly for thine own personal matters.  Then trust me to move in thy behalf my children, Koh Amar YHVH.

Keep thy mouths shut.  I cannot come to help thee if ye art grumbling and complaining.  Watch thy speech patterns.  Negativity wilt diminish my voice and ye wilt thinketh that I am not near.  Speak the opposite of whatever ye seeth.  Help thy fellowman  for I am bringing things and people together as one,  (ECHAD)
Knowest thou this, a heartfelt matter from unto the Father.

 Pray for the elderly for many wilt not knowest what to do.

 Seek me in Yechezk'el 33: 1-20,  Tehillim (Psalms) 106: 40 - 48, Mislei (Proverbs) 8 and Tehilim 91 with emphasis on vs 5-8, Koh Amar YHVH.

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