4/4/15 - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by D'vorah To The Nations - [Copyright 2015 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]
From The Desk Of D'vorah
Office Of Apostle / Prophet
YEAR: Nissan - Iyar 5775
PARASHAH (Weekly TORAH Reading)
Pesach 2015 (Passover)
TORAH (First 5 Books of Moses)
Shemot (Exodus) 12: 21-51
Badmidbar (Numbers) 28:16-25
HAFTORAH (Prophets):
Y'hoshua (Joshua) 3: 5-7, 5: 2 - 6: 1 and 6: 27
Yesha Yahu (Isaiah) 52:13 - 53:12
BRIT HADASSAH (New Covenant)
Mattiyahu (Matthew) 26 - 28
Mark 14 - 16
Luke 22 - 24
Yochanon (John) 13 - 21
D'vorah, I am here with thee. Write everything down, least ye forget. There hath been a shift - changing of the guards in the spirit rhelm.
Demonic forces shall prevail upon the earthly rhelm. The demonic force wilt be great for those who knowest not the Father, Koh Amar YHVH. The nations art to become a place of turmoil and transition. The enemy hath free will to rein for a season. Stay in prayer. Headlines to become busy with one tragedy after another all around the world. Things shalt move along rather quickly so keep up the pace my children, Koh Amar YHVH.
Many nations to come under corruption for, "The Enemy" hath released thousands of demonic forces. The plan of the enemy cometh forth. America wilt feel the wrath, Koh Amar YHVH. Many, slayings in the spirit to occur in the natural.
Stay in prayer even if not heart felt. Push past resistence. A trick of the enemy for ye to falter. Just say PUSH and moveth forward. Conflicts to occur among Southern States in the U.S. Watch the news. A war wilt soon break out unawares. No rationale. Tempers art flying uncontrollably.
No arguments. Stay Calm A spirit that ignites fires. Flames. Things easily taken out of proportion. Warn my people. Koh Amar YHVH. Stay Calm! No flesh in dealing with matters. Use caution, Wisdom Speaks. Tempers to rise up uncontrollably even in governmental matters during negotiations behind closed doors.
Exposures of many things to shock the world. Many of those in hierchy status will be exposed as being a fake. Documents have been obtained illegally in governmental matters and to show business qualifications. A ring of people involved. Exposure to cometh forth, Koh Amar YHVH.
Children to sway from under the leadership of their parents. The enemy speaketh unto their minds. Many to join radical groups unawares. A spirit of deceit for entrapment. The children wilt not know until they art consumed as unto the Boston Bomber.
Watch friendships among children that art forming. Check behind them. Take not what the children say at face value. Underlying Satanic forces hath been set in operation.
Short comings of people are red flags. They art not qualified. Hidden agenda. Deceit hath allowed them to " Slip In. "
Beware my children, Koh Amar YHVH. I wilt giveth thee revelation each week as updates. Stay in prayer.
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