Wednesday, August 5, 2015


7/14/15 @ 7:00 am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Devorah To The Nations - [Copyright 2015 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]

From The Desk Of Devorah
Office of Apostle / Prophet

Devorah, telleth my people, move not by emotion in this moedim (season).  Time is short for my people.  A major transaction to be taken pplace.  Many of my people wilt be taken off guard and consummed for lack of knowledge and disobedience unto the Father.  And yea, I am re-arranging many peoples lives overnight.  A necessary feat and divine order to prevent the onslaught from the enemy.  But nay, many knowest not the heart of the Father for they hath fallen away in devotion,  Why??? Koh Amar YHVH


Received 6/24/15 @ 12:00 mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Devorah To The Nations  [Copyright 2015 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved] .  But Posted on this blog 8/5/15 @ 12:00 noon

From The Desk Of Devorah
Office of Apostle / Prophet

Year:  Tammuz - Av 5775

Parashat: Weekly TORAH Reading

Torah : (First 5 Books of Moses)
    Devarim (Deuteronomy) 7: 12 - 11: 25

Haftorah: (Prophetic Portion)
    Yesha Yahu (49: 14 - 51 : 3)

Brit Hadassah:  (New Covenant / New Testament)
     Mattiyahu (Matthew) 4: 1 - 11
     Luke 4: 1-13
     Ya'akov (James) 5: 7-11

This is not a moedim (season) to flounder aimlessly my children, Koh Amar YHVH  for many hearest not my voice.  Those who wilt not receive my Torah shall embark upon another path.

 A time of discernment and then confirm unto the Father.  For yea, I separate the chaff from the wheat.  A necessary feat in this moedim.

 More irratical behavior to come forth from the government.  The breakdown is near.  Just continue to pray.  It keeps things in balance as I have planned.

Followeth my commands for ye knowest not how I wilt move.  I may change a thing overnight for yea, the opposition cometh through principalities.  And yea, why my people must cometh higher in frequency to heareth my voice.

There wilt be governmental breakdown very soon, overnight.  Warn my people.  No global solution.

 Each must seek me in prayer for yea, the solutions to problems cometh individualistically.  But yea, knowest the Father is available to giveth my people instructions.  Not one wilt be the same.  Explain the process as I have taught unto thee, Devorah.  There is not one individual solution.  Stress this point!  Each one must come to seek their own instruction for themselves and their families.  But yea, portals are open, channel of therein, Koh Amar YHVH.

Guard over thy children.  I giveth warnings.  Shield through prayer.  Ye shall begin to see extreme bizarre behavior.  Listen to the news for yea, it hath begun.  Shield through prayer.  I am listening, Koh Amar YHVH.

Transitions cometh upon many jobs.  Companies wilt be closing unexpectedly overnight which is why ye wilt needeth instruction from the Father how to survive.  DO NOT PANIC.  EMPHASIZE, Devorah, TAP IN for yea, I am thy solution, not man.  A supernatural feat only accomlished through the Father.  Not a season for spending for I hath given several warnings.  Be frugal in all financial matters for ye canst not rely upon thy savings.  A radical change to occureth within the economical banking system.  Ye MUST relieth upon the Father for survival.  But Yea, I am near to come to thy aid.  Do not ask me how.  The key factor is trust.
Become not disgruntle.  For yea, it wilt hinder the process.

Pray quickly for thine own personal matters.  Then trust me to move in thy behalf my children, Koh Amar YHVH.

Keep thy mouths shut.  I cannot come to help thee if ye art grumbling and complaining.  Watch thy speech patterns.  Negativity wilt diminish my voice and ye wilt thinketh that I am not near.  Speak the opposite of whatever ye seeth.  Help thy fellowman  for I am bringing things and people together as one,  (ECHAD)
Knowest thou this, a heartfelt matter from unto the Father.

 Pray for the elderly for many wilt not knowest what to do.

 Seek me in Yechezk'el 33: 1-20,  Tehillim (Psalms) 106: 40 - 48, Mislei (Proverbs) 8 and Tehilim 91 with emphasis on vs 5-8, Koh Amar YHVH.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


4/4/15 - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by D'vorah To The Nations - [Copyright 2015 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]

From The Desk Of D'vorah
Office Of Apostle / Prophet

YEAR: Nissan -  Iyar 5775

PARASHAH (Weekly TORAH Reading)
Pesach 2015 (Passover)

TORAH (First 5 Books of Moses)  
 Shemot (Exodus) 12: 21-51
 Badmidbar (Numbers) 28:16-25

HAFTORAH (Prophets): 
Y'hoshua (Joshua) 3: 5-7, 5: 2 - 6: 1 and  6: 27
Yesha Yahu (Isaiah)  52:13 - 53:12

BRIT HADASSAH (New Covenant)
Mattiyahu (Matthew) 26 - 28
Mark 14 - 16
Luke 22 - 24
Yochanon (John) 13 - 21


D'vorah, I am here with thee.  Write everything down, least ye forget.  There hath been a shift - changing of the guards in the spirit rhelm.

Demonic forces shall prevail upon the earthly rhelm.  The demonic force wilt be great for those who knowest not the Father, Koh Amar YHVH.  The nations art to become a place of turmoil and transition.  The enemy hath free will to rein for a season.  Stay in prayer.  Headlines to become busy with one tragedy after another all around the world.  Things shalt move along rather quickly so keep up the pace my children, Koh Amar YHVH.

Many nations to come under corruption for, "The Enemy" hath released thousands of demonic forces.  The plan of the enemy cometh forth.  America wilt feel the wrath, Koh Amar YHVH.  Many, slayings in the spirit to occur in the natural.

Stay in prayer even if not heart felt.  Push past resistence.  A trick of the enemy for ye to falter.  Just say PUSH and moveth forward.  Conflicts to occur among Southern States in the U.S.  Watch the news.  A war wilt soon break out unawares.  No rationale.  Tempers art flying uncontrollably.

 No arguments. Stay Calm  A spirit that ignites fires. Flames. Things easily  taken out of proportion.  Warn my people.  Koh Amar YHVH.  Stay Calm! No flesh in dealing with matters. Use caution, Wisdom Speaks.  Tempers to rise up uncontrollably even in governmental matters during negotiations behind closed doors.

 Exposures of many things to shock the world.  Many of those in hierchy status will be exposed as being a fake.  Documents have been obtained illegally in governmental matters and to show business qualifications.  A ring of people involved.  Exposure to cometh forth, Koh Amar YHVH.

Children to sway from under the leadership of their parents.  The enemy speaketh unto their minds.  Many to join radical groups unawares.  A spirit of deceit for entrapment.  The children wilt not know until they art consumed as unto the Boston Bomber.

Watch friendships among children that art forming.  Check behind them.  Take not what the children say at face value.  Underlying Satanic forces hath been set in operation.

Short comings of people are red flags.  They art not qualified.  Hidden agenda.  Deceit hath allowed them to " Slip In. "

Beware my children, Koh Amar YHVH. I wilt giveth thee revelation each week as updates.  Stay in prayer.

Friday, March 13, 2015




                                            Bruchim ha Baim - Blessed Are Those Who Come

Monday, January 12, 2015


12/30/14@3:00 am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by D'vorah To The Nations. [Copyright 2015 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]

From The Desk Of D'vorah
Office Of Apostle / Prophet

YEAR: Tevet - Shevat 5775 / 2015
PARASHAH 14: Va'era (I Appeared)
SH'MOT (Exodus) 6:2 - 9:35

Vision / Dream 

Scene 1

Vision - About the Ark of Safety, in front of me.  There were all these HUGE ANIMALS COMING OUT OF A FOREST AND GOING INSIDE THIS ARK, OF ALL SPECIES WERE GOING IN.  But I was thinking, "Who Sounded The Alarm???  They were coming in droves to get in.  The ark was on my right.  One animal was lying on the ground as if it were dead or injured, on the other side of the fence to my left. The animal was black.  There was a woman, talking about, " how she had tried to stop it!"


Scene 2

Also another dream, shifted but where did the Ark go???

There was still forest outside and I was telling a person coming in the door about all the animals and then another person came in but I did not see this person but I heard a voice in the vision....

The entire dream turned into enemy territory.  He gave me  flags and told us to change into the enemy  gear.  Everything around me reflected the enemy. The vision became black.  But, I had looked outside.  It was like brown forest land.

All of a sudden, WE, were in a war zone.  The sky was completely black now.  Something was pending.  Impending doom.

Scene 3

There was a vision of an intersection.  (But serves as a Crossroads in the Spirit).

On one side of the intersection, the top portion - Cars were coming down this part of the intersection and BIG BLACK ARROWS displaying a u-turn were pointing for these cars to go back up.

At the bottom of the intersection, the lower portion - Cars were coming up this part of the intersection and BIG BLACK ARROWS displaying a u-turn were pointing for these cars to go back down.

No cars could go into the middle of the intersection.  This area was off limits.  There was a military zone all around the entire vision of the intersection.

Prophetic Revelation began - A danger zone!  A deception occureth.  Telleth my people to use caution in spending money and pray in all matters and business affairs, Koh Amar YHVH (saith the Lord).



Vision / Dream - Very, Very Bright
Part # 1

Had a dream that I was with someone, I believe a male.  We were in a field.  There was bright green grass all around on both sides.

To the left outside of the green grass was water.  To the right was land.  Almost like a park environment. We were walking along when I went up a hill or an incline.  And this part of the vision was very, very bright, as if I was in the midst

There were these HUGE big venemous, python snakes ALL AROUND ME.  As if I were in their haven or had gone into their cave......

Prophetic Revelation began - ....Because they have been releashed into the earthly rhelm to squeeze the people bone dry, koh amar YHVH.  BEWARE!!!  Pray over thy finances and business affairs.  A detriment unto the earthly rhelm.  The Father warneth thee.

Telleth my people to useth caution in all matters.  See only through spiritual eyes, not through the natural.  For there is black. No vision through the natural eye for all gates hath been closed unto the spirit.  A decline in the economy taketh place.  Push hard unto the Father for ye shalt feeleth resistance to obeyeth my commands.  I am near, yet I am far.  And yea, churches wilt be closing.  I hath warneth thee.  The Father asketh, hath ye heeded my beconning call??? Only those who prepareth properly wilt knowest what to do because each one was given their instructions for discernment of impressions to heedeth my beconing call.

Not one formula was given for unto the masses.  I calleth ye as individuals to come to me.  I heareth thy cries, my people.  But for some instances, there wilt be nothing the Father canst do without thine own personalized instruction how to communicate with me.

And nay, asketh not man, or thy brotheryn for man knowest not.  For yea, these were the hidden treasures the Father giveth unto my children.  My sheep heareth my voice and respondeth to my beconning call.  Goats rebel and remain stagnant.  For attacks from the enemy cometh @ this hour.  Shieldeth through prayer.  Some of my prophets hath deaf ears and heareth not from the Father.  Beware my children, a season of deception occureth.  Only those who knoweth me shall prevail without tsurus (trouble).  Ye must know the heart and direction of the Father.  Snakes hath been released.  Not Only One.  All ye canst do is shield and pray.  There is a spiritual battle going on to be felt in the natural.  Gates hath been closed.  The Father hath spoken.  Seek me in Tehillim (psalms) 95, 1 John 4 and 5.


Part # 2


Prophetic Revelation began - Shrewed, cuning, demonic forces hath been released.  They cometh a new way to deceiveth the people as sheep in the pasture.  Hence, green grass.  But yea, DENS of demonic strongholds hath been set into place.  Man knoweth not for this cannot be seen through carnal eyes.  A spiritual plot the enemy hath planned.  Stay in the scriptures.  Even if not heart felt.  The word moveth through darkness. Ye wilt feeleth an uphill battle but ye wilt overcome.  PUSH! Push unto resistence.  A trick of the enemy.

The door hath closed in the spirit rhelm.  No more delays.  Ye shalt seeth devastations across the lands regarding the closing of churches near and far.  They rejected my plan.

12/14/14@ 5:00am

Vision / Dream

The sky was completely black, but it was in the heavenlies.  BUT, there were (illuminaries).  I was sitting with a few people.  I believe (3) people and we were taking turns going up into the heavenlies and floating spinning around.  It was fun, but, there was darkness.  It was my turn to go back up in heaven.  But before I went, someone grabbed my arm....a woman and called me to the side.  There is a 911.  The gates were closed over the church age.......... Prophetic Revelation began - ..........It has happened, koh amar, YHVH.  Beware, shield in the spirit.



D'vorah, telleth my people:

Whence ye heareth not my voice, useth thy armor.  Principalities art coming against thee, my children, koh amar YHVH, A new place, not like before. More subtle, higher ranking and shrewd.  V-e-r-y cunning.  Seeth through my eyes, for in this place ye cannot see.  This is what my people art missing, they art blindsided.  I revealeth new ways of demonic attack.  Not as unto the old.  Compromise not with forces that cometh against thee.  Receive the fullness from the Father thereof.  Not a place of complacency or compromise.  I Beseech Thee Not It Is I, Koh Amar YHVH.