Monday, July 11, 2011


7/4/11@12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved.]

There is a special place in my heart for my sons who embrace the teachings of the Father in this season. A turning point in the hearts and life of man, saith the Lord. New beginnings in thy lives my children, saith the Father. But yea, through divine appointment, an expected end. New teachings, new definitions, new thought processing, new ideas are needed my children, saith the Lord as the mysteries of the Gospel unfoldeth unto thee. Receive with gladness my children, saith the Lord. For I cometh a new way. Look not upon that of the old. For those who embrace my beconning call, a new anointing shall cometh upon them to prepare and shieldeth thee upon thy new journey. And yea, my people must be well equipped. Seek me in Zechariah chapters 8 and 9, saith the Lord. Many shall go astray for unbelief. But the Father saith unto thee my children, prepare ye the way properly for I am soon to come. A season for increase. I hath heard the prayers of my people and I am blessing my children, but only through obedience. The new direction cometh from foundational wisdom unto the Father. Unto thy obedience, ye wilt see a breakthrough in thy ministries. The Father promiseth thee. Doth not my word sayeth, the blessing of the Lord maketh rich and addeth no sorrow? Seek me in Isaith 35: 1 - 10 and Philippians 2: 1-11. I sendeth my prophets throughout the lands to revealeth my new direction unto the nations. Stabilization is needed my children for the end times. Prepare thyselves properly. Leaders, fortify thy members from the onslaught of the enemy for yea, he is near, seeking whom he may devour. Prostrate thyselves before me and yea, I shall confirm this message unto thee, my children, saith the Lord. Knowest thou this, ye art loved by the Father. I have come to answer prayers by divine appointment. Miss not thy blessings in this hour. All is in divine order ....Because Of Love.

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