4/19/11@3:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved]
The heart of man hath waxed cold. What a sorrowful state unto the Father. Cometh back my children for I am neareth thee, saith the Lord. Opposition bringeth about victory. For in thy blessing I dispatchest angels to keep thee in all thy ways. Is that not my word. Decree and declare in this season as unto Christ return. My word giveth unto thee empowerment. Opposition bringeth victory for the battle is not yours but mine. And yea, the Father seeth all. Vengence is mine, saith the Lord. Allow me to fight thy battles my children for I am well equipped. Keep thyselves pure. Taint not thy vessels with unnecessary relationships with people who followeth not unto my path. Knowest the enemy is near. Keepeth thine eyes unto the Father. Deviate not for I am speaking, to all who obeyeth my divine commands. I longeth for my children to come to me in this manner. My heart yearneth to see my children upon the earth stand forth unto righteousness, saith the Lord. I giveth unto thee empowerment from on high. There shall be a shifting of governments upon the earth. New alliances wilt begin to be formed as scripture moveth unto a time of fulfillment. Search the scriptures for truth and ye wilt not be deceived my children, saith the Lord. Pray for thy current leaders all around the world for Satan speaketh into the eargate of man. Whispers that soundeth like truth, but nay, hath been altered. Knowest my word as spoken forth within the bible. Deviate not unto thine own understanding. Relieth not upon man for a spirit of deception and camoflage pervails to deceiveth many. Pray without ceasing and calleth upon me for I am near. Usher in my glory. Serves as a hedge of protection to surroundeth thee. Seek me through praise, worship and prayer. I heareth and come forth to the aid of my children. Too much time spent on the internet. Look, check and come off. Shieldeth thy spirit of unwanted contamination of subbliminal suggestion, saith the Lord. A trick of the enemy for thy demise in thought processes. A new strategy unbeknown to man. Filter what is absorbed. More bizarre ideas shall be planted by the enemy through the media of communication. Filter what is received, deposited, as a seed of contamination planted by the enemy to generate and grow to alter the thought processes of man. Confusing states of mind shall begin to be made manifest. Beware my children, saith the Lord. Pray ye one for another. A time of interconnecting faiths. No more separation of denominations. Pray ye one for another. Devastations through the lands bringeth forth the need for unity. The lands are polluted and the earth regurgitateth itself of all impurity. A universal cleansing taketh place my children, saith the Lord. Ye shall see for yea, it shall all cometh to pass. Devastations within the United States shall begin to occur within its Northern countries. Contaminations through food poisonings. Wash all before ye eat my children, saith the Lord. Cleanse thy hands. Disease shall be passed through bodily contacts. Beware a trick of the enemy, saith the Lord. A time of purification, holiness and cleansing is needed my children to fight the wiles of the enemy. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord. Sendeth out my prophecies De'bora. Worry not to whom. Saturate the lands with the wisdom of the Father. Many will not believe nor heed my beconning call. What thou heareth write. Fear not all who are in dismay, for they wilt soon be awakened to truth. I present unto the nations the opportunity for repentence and deliverance. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches and unto man. Many demonic creatures hath been released in the earthly rhelm to stop the new move of the Father. A shift hath taken place. Decree / Declare / Proclaim according to what hath been spoken unto thee - Thus Saith The Lord and yea, all shall be made manifest. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
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