12/10/11 - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2011 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]
I need my people to become unified and understand my heart, saith the Lord. The unspoken word. For I needeth complete intimacy. I seeketh worship and song. Melody pleasing unto thine own heart, saith the Lord.
The worlds economy shall take a plunge, a spiral downward. Intercessory prayer is needed within the next few months with intensity. Trust in the Father, supernatural occurances for all who followeth my commands.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
11/28/11@ 3:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2011 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]
Telleth my people what the Father saith unto thee. This is a season for man to prepare to embark upon seeing supernatural occurances manifest. Ye needeth eagle eyes to discern- What is of God and What hath come as a deception to man. Many will not be able to discern - What is in error and fall prey to an open door of misconceptions in their lives. It is not the will of the Father for my people to be ignorant. Beware, many deceptive spirits of destruction planneth strategies to walk within thy home. The evil one, he is subtle, he is cunning. Beware my children, saith the Lord. cleanse thy home of any lingering spirits whence company leaves. An assignment sent from the evil one, not of the Father.
Many businesses will merge together to giveth man the impression of financial empowerment for prosperity. However, the deception will be to unify and strengthen the bond to foster a unified corruption of minds. Trust not in this season or follow what ye may hear that sounds good, ask many questions. Be ye not deceived my children, for the Father giveth unto thee wisdom, warning and foresight. When in doubt, seek me in prayer. I will answer thee, yea or nay, asith the Lord. A closer relationship ye wilt need unto the Father. Many banks wilt begin to close overnight due to bankruptcy. Rely not upon traditional resources for savings. The enemy useth that which is familiar unto thee. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
Telleth my people what the Father saith unto thee. This is a season for man to prepare to embark upon seeing supernatural occurances manifest. Ye needeth eagle eyes to discern- What is of God and What hath come as a deception to man. Many will not be able to discern - What is in error and fall prey to an open door of misconceptions in their lives. It is not the will of the Father for my people to be ignorant. Beware, many deceptive spirits of destruction planneth strategies to walk within thy home. The evil one, he is subtle, he is cunning. Beware my children, saith the Lord. cleanse thy home of any lingering spirits whence company leaves. An assignment sent from the evil one, not of the Father.
Many businesses will merge together to giveth man the impression of financial empowerment for prosperity. However, the deception will be to unify and strengthen the bond to foster a unified corruption of minds. Trust not in this season or follow what ye may hear that sounds good, ask many questions. Be ye not deceived my children, for the Father giveth unto thee wisdom, warning and foresight. When in doubt, seek me in prayer. I will answer thee, yea or nay, asith the Lord. A closer relationship ye wilt need unto the Father. Many banks wilt begin to close overnight due to bankruptcy. Rely not upon traditional resources for savings. The enemy useth that which is familiar unto thee. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
Friday, November 4, 2011
10/30/11 - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2011 by Deborah Freeland.] [All Rights Reserved]
Express to my people De'bora, "The need for my people to embrace change." For I shalt begin to moveth upon the lands. New anointings are needed for those who embrace the call. Preparation of my kingdom is at hand, saith the Father. A repositioning unto fulfillment upon the destiny of man. Worry not of thy understanding. I reveleath unto thee secrets. A breakdown in communication shall prevail among leadership in all organizational structures. Leadership shalt become corrupt. An attack of the enemy to divert progress upon the nations. Intercessors must be on guard. For many hath gone astray. Not pleasing unto the Father. Prayer serveth as a weapon of warfare. Fortify for a major army develops unto the enemies kingdom for thy demise. Be ye watchful and prayerful my children, saith the Lord. Be ye not as lost souls. Knowest divine purpose. When in doubt seekest unto the Father for wisdom and understanding. I poureth upon thee wisdom for my people, saith the Father.
Express to my people De'bora, "The need for my people to embrace change." For I shalt begin to moveth upon the lands. New anointings are needed for those who embrace the call. Preparation of my kingdom is at hand, saith the Father. A repositioning unto fulfillment upon the destiny of man. Worry not of thy understanding. I reveleath unto thee secrets. A breakdown in communication shall prevail among leadership in all organizational structures. Leadership shalt become corrupt. An attack of the enemy to divert progress upon the nations. Intercessors must be on guard. For many hath gone astray. Not pleasing unto the Father. Prayer serveth as a weapon of warfare. Fortify for a major army develops unto the enemies kingdom for thy demise. Be ye watchful and prayerful my children, saith the Lord. Be ye not as lost souls. Knowest divine purpose. When in doubt seekest unto the Father for wisdom and understanding. I poureth upon thee wisdom for my people, saith the Father.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
10/15/11@3:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2011 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved]
I am pouring wisdom upon my people, saith the Lord. A mass conversion of knowledge, the Father is about to release. A mass transition of ministries as the Father touchest the heart of man. A power anointing cometh upon the churches that obeyeth the will of the Father for change. For yea, I wilt speaketh unto many Pastors, saith the Lord. The nations shall experience a dramatic change. People wilt be talking for they shalt not believe. The Father showeth unto thee a code. For yea, all is written in the bible. And it shall come to pass. Telleth my people to move quickly to change whence they heareth the voice of the Lord. For the enemy cometh to bring doubt and unbelief regarding the change. Rebuke the devil and he shall flee, saith the Lord. I taketh the church in a new direction. And yea, prophecy cometh to pass upon the Gentiles, saith the Lord. Seek me in Zechariah 14:9, 16, Ephesians 2 and 3, and Romans 16:25 for confirmation. I taketh man back to the beginning. For all who walk by faith, my word stands as truth, saith the Lord. Teach this in thy ministries.
I am pouring wisdom upon my people, saith the Lord. A mass conversion of knowledge, the Father is about to release. A mass transition of ministries as the Father touchest the heart of man. A power anointing cometh upon the churches that obeyeth the will of the Father for change. For yea, I wilt speaketh unto many Pastors, saith the Lord. The nations shall experience a dramatic change. People wilt be talking for they shalt not believe. The Father showeth unto thee a code. For yea, all is written in the bible. And it shall come to pass. Telleth my people to move quickly to change whence they heareth the voice of the Lord. For the enemy cometh to bring doubt and unbelief regarding the change. Rebuke the devil and he shall flee, saith the Lord. I taketh the church in a new direction. And yea, prophecy cometh to pass upon the Gentiles, saith the Lord. Seek me in Zechariah 14:9, 16, Ephesians 2 and 3, and Romans 16:25 for confirmation. I taketh man back to the beginning. For all who walk by faith, my word stands as truth, saith the Lord. Teach this in thy ministries.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
9/28 /11@3:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2011 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved]
Telleth my people, trials and testing are for endurance. If they were easy to obtain, ye would haveth not the ability to persevere through adversity. Ye would seest no need to rely on the Father as thy strength. Man discloseth not his frailty. It is the pride and arrogance that I have knocked down, saith the Lord and castest out from my sight.
The sin of Pride - "I can do it all by myself" and "Just as good as you". No need for the help of the Father.
Dost thou seest the condition of the mindset of man? And yea, doth not my word saith, Pride cometh before the Fall?
Whence ye acknowledgeth thy frailty my children, ye displayeth humility unto the need of the Father.
Ye art in the world. A world of prideful yearnings :
The world revolveth around these things. Changing thy mind in thought, word and deed, changeth ownership of thy parent.
The distinguishing factor my children, saith the Lord.
Inclination is the choice I hath given unto man. The ability to choose right from wrong. Righteousness, according to the word of the Lord or to choose evil, giving legal right of trespass to thy earthly parent.
Hence, the foundation of the fall of man.
The choice mattereth unto the Father. Doth thou understandeth the need for man to cleanse thy mind? Tests and trials are designed for ye to stumble and fall. Telleth my children, holdeth not unto Pride.
The Father asketh unto thee, hath thou been delivered? Goest back over thy lives and ye shalt see the pattern of thy lives over and over.
Hence, the need, Jesus giveth unto man the Sermon On The Mount to transformeth the heart of man.
The Father asketh unto thee. How long hath it taken? How many years?
Man is in a state of constant contamination through sin.
Hence, the need for divine providence and seasonal feasts to cleanse the heart and provide my creation with tools to remain in my presence upon my glory, saith the Lord.
I established this upon the time of creation- the seasons, to leadeth man, and giveth tools to redeem the soul.
Hence, what the church is missing. Teach this in thy ministries, saith the Lord. I am evaluating the ability to move forward my children, saith the Lord. Many are faultering in this area, and yea, why the Father coacheth thee. Put one foot in front of the other and keep moving. No more murmur and no complaining; no critical words of others and no judgmental attitudes. Many hath not been able to progress due to the inability to move forward. Breaketh the cycles of destruction of thy lives and the lives of thy family members, saith the Lord.
Hence, the need to poureth my spirit upon all flesh. Doth thou understandeth what the Father sayest unto thee, my children?
A time to move unto my grace. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
Telleth my people, trials and testing are for endurance. If they were easy to obtain, ye would haveth not the ability to persevere through adversity. Ye would seest no need to rely on the Father as thy strength. Man discloseth not his frailty. It is the pride and arrogance that I have knocked down, saith the Lord and castest out from my sight.
The sin of Pride - "I can do it all by myself" and "Just as good as you". No need for the help of the Father.
Dost thou seest the condition of the mindset of man? And yea, doth not my word saith, Pride cometh before the Fall?
Whence ye acknowledgeth thy frailty my children, ye displayeth humility unto the need of the Father.
Ye art in the world. A world of prideful yearnings :
Lust of the Eyes
Lust of The Flesh and
The Pride of Life
Lust of The Flesh and
The Pride of Life
The world revolveth around these things. Changing thy mind in thought, word and deed, changeth ownership of thy parent.
Thus, the evil inclination of the evil one
The good inclination of the Father which art in heaven.
The good inclination of the Father which art in heaven.
The distinguishing factor my children, saith the Lord.
Inclination is the choice I hath given unto man. The ability to choose right from wrong. Righteousness, according to the word of the Lord or to choose evil, giving legal right of trespass to thy earthly parent.
Hence, the foundation of the fall of man.
The choice mattereth unto the Father. Doth thou understandeth the need for man to cleanse thy mind? Tests and trials are designed for ye to stumble and fall. Telleth my children, holdeth not unto Pride.
The Father asketh unto thee, hath thou been delivered? Goest back over thy lives and ye shalt see the pattern of thy lives over and over.
Hence, the need, Jesus giveth unto man the Sermon On The Mount to transformeth the heart of man.
The Father asketh unto thee. How long hath it taken? How many years?
Man is in a state of constant contamination through sin.
Hence, the need for divine providence and seasonal feasts to cleanse the heart and provide my creation with tools to remain in my presence upon my glory, saith the Lord.
I established this upon the time of creation- the seasons, to leadeth man, and giveth tools to redeem the soul.
Hence, what the church is missing. Teach this in thy ministries, saith the Lord. I am evaluating the ability to move forward my children, saith the Lord. Many are faultering in this area, and yea, why the Father coacheth thee. Put one foot in front of the other and keep moving. No more murmur and no complaining; no critical words of others and no judgmental attitudes. Many hath not been able to progress due to the inability to move forward. Breaketh the cycles of destruction of thy lives and the lives of thy family members, saith the Lord.
Hence, the need to poureth my spirit upon all flesh. Doth thou understandeth what the Father sayest unto thee, my children?
A time to move unto my grace. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Podcast # 43
9/16/11@ 12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2011 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved.]
De'bora, telleth my people - many denominations wilt begin to merge with one another integrating the standards of Kingdom Principals upon their lives, saith the Lord. A wholistic approach to ministry. The whole of mankind side by side, saith the Lord.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
9/4/11 @ 12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered By Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [(c) Copyright 2011 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved]
De'bora, I longeth to dwell in the presence of man, my creation, saith the Lord. New beginnings in the lives of the people, saith the Lord. I moveth across the lands to expose the wiles of the enemy. For many hath succumbed to the snares of Satan. Pray for the nations, for many hath gone astray. The spirit of blindness prevails. Not so, I redeemeth upon the New Year, the hearts of man. The Father awaiteth with open arms but only through heartfelt repentence, saith the Lord. My people shall not live below the standards I hath set before the foundation of man. and yea, I blesseth for all who obey. Pray intercessors pray for the birthing of miracles across the land. Ye shalt see manifestation for yea, it is time, saith the Lord. I replenish unto man. Be ye not slothful my children, saith the Lord. Be deligent unto thy prayers. And pray ye one for another. Much corruption to be revealed via the media. Hidden and secret agendas shared by many behind closed doors for evil demise. Many entertainers cometh to embrace the Gospel with sincerity of heart seeking peace and comfort upon their personal lives. Feelings of emptiness prevail. Many suicides shall be reported. Beware of food poisons my children, saith the Lord. Many investigations regarding food regulations hath not been thorough. Cleanse thy hands from the spread of bacteria. Believeth not many who proclaimeth to know the Lord. A snare of the evil one. Be ye able to discern according to my word, saith the Father. Pray upon thy children throughout the day for many temptations cometh unawares. The enemy plotteth an attack against man. TheFather revealeth unto my children. Many interracial marriages and networks to be established. Barriers to be broken, regarding ethnic and cultural standards as man embraces the concept of true love. Devastations to occur in Guatemala, the United States and Great Britain. Pray for the salvation of souls. Lawlessness and corruption shall continue to prevail upon the schools. Pray for leadership with integrity to leadeth the children, saith the lord. Come to me my children for the Father giveth unto thee peace and comfort. Forget not thy hedge of protection cometh through prayer and love. Doth not my word sayeth for in him we live, and move, and have our being; I shieldeth thee my children though ye seeth attacks of the enemy. Seek me in Matthew 5 and Psalm 5. Let not the enemy intimidateth thee through fear. 1 John 4 - I comforteth thee through love.
De'bora, I longeth to dwell in the presence of man, my creation, saith the Lord. New beginnings in the lives of the people, saith the Lord. I moveth across the lands to expose the wiles of the enemy. For many hath succumbed to the snares of Satan. Pray for the nations, for many hath gone astray. The spirit of blindness prevails. Not so, I redeemeth upon the New Year, the hearts of man. The Father awaiteth with open arms but only through heartfelt repentence, saith the Lord. My people shall not live below the standards I hath set before the foundation of man. and yea, I blesseth for all who obey. Pray intercessors pray for the birthing of miracles across the land. Ye shalt see manifestation for yea, it is time, saith the Lord. I replenish unto man. Be ye not slothful my children, saith the Lord. Be deligent unto thy prayers. And pray ye one for another. Much corruption to be revealed via the media. Hidden and secret agendas shared by many behind closed doors for evil demise. Many entertainers cometh to embrace the Gospel with sincerity of heart seeking peace and comfort upon their personal lives. Feelings of emptiness prevail. Many suicides shall be reported. Beware of food poisons my children, saith the Lord. Many investigations regarding food regulations hath not been thorough. Cleanse thy hands from the spread of bacteria. Believeth not many who proclaimeth to know the Lord. A snare of the evil one. Be ye able to discern according to my word, saith the Father. Pray upon thy children throughout the day for many temptations cometh unawares. The enemy plotteth an attack against man. TheFather revealeth unto my children. Many interracial marriages and networks to be established. Barriers to be broken, regarding ethnic and cultural standards as man embraces the concept of true love. Devastations to occur in Guatemala, the United States and Great Britain. Pray for the salvation of souls. Lawlessness and corruption shall continue to prevail upon the schools. Pray for leadership with integrity to leadeth the children, saith the lord. Come to me my children for the Father giveth unto thee peace and comfort. Forget not thy hedge of protection cometh through prayer and love. Doth not my word sayeth for in him we live, and move, and have our being; I shieldeth thee my children though ye seeth attacks of the enemy. Seek me in Matthew 5 and Psalm 5. Let not the enemy intimidateth thee through fear. 1 John 4 - I comforteth thee through love.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
8/9/11 @12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright (c) 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved.]
Man hath gone astray to the commands of the Father in every arena, saith the Lord. Wherefore art the formed mass of my original creation? It grieveth my heart for I long to be apart of thy lives, my children, saith the Lord. So many killings, so much mass destruction. What opposition unto the original plan I had purposed for man, saith the Lord. The Father grieveth over his children.
My creation unto mine own image? But nay, for unto the Father, I am Love. A needeth commodity amongst man, saith the Lord. Ye cannot continue unto this way. Ye hath polluteth unto the lands. I hath set ye into a garden of paradise for thine own comfort. How canst ye return, my children, saith the Lord. Forget ye the hurts of the past. A time and season to cleanse thyselves on the inside. Prepare ye the way for thy eternal home unto the Father. Be ye not afraid.
A time for much faith. I cometh by way of many supernatural visitations. Each individual of my creation will knowest the intimacy of the Father. For yea, I revealeth unto thee. Even the most hardened of heart wilt be made low as ye acknowledge the presence of the Father, saith the Lord. Many personal visitations to challenge mans unbelief in an eternal God.
A transforming of man cometh upon the earth to baffle mans wisdom of the mind. A supernatural wave of miracles I commandeth to be performed. Be ye watchful for the counterfeit shall also manifest from the evil one. Discern my children, saith the Lord. Be ye not deceived. Seek truth in the matter. For truth cannot be undone. If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Whence ye knowest truth, come running unto the Father, saith the Lord. For I am seeking to heal the most serious illnesses that hath come upon man.
Sendeth out my prophecies, all around the world. Circulate for it is not the will of the Father for any of my children to remain in a state of disease and sickness. I am healing all across the lands. Pray for the discernment of truth, saith the Lord. For upon truth, divine healing cometh from thy Father which art in healing. This power anointing shall baffle the most intellectual mind of man. For it will be bestowed upon the earth through the power of thy God, which art in heaven.
Cometh away from worshipping idols. A path of destruction is set before thee as the enemy lureth thee for thy demise, saith the Lord. Useth the wisdom the Father giveth unto thee. Unbelievable miracles shalt be performed. My blessing unto thee, my children, saith the Lord.
Petition me through prayer, of thy requests. Pray ye one for another. For I judgeth the hearts of man. Ye cannot petition for divine healing if ye doth not loveth thy neighbor, saith the Lord. For yea, this is a great command unto the Father...LOVE. If ye loveth not thy brethren, ye shalt not be healed, saith the Lord. Go back to the beginning upon my commandments given unto man. Asketh thyself, my children. For the Father asketh unto thee, doth thou observe? Go back to basics for ye hath moved far beyond the basic promises unto the Father. Seek me in Matthew 5:43 - 48.
Governmental structures shall decay. For from whom seeketh thee refuge? A serious matter to ponder, my children, saith the Lord. I only performeth miracles for those whose hearts hath not waxed cold through unbelief. Sendeth me thy prayers. I judgeth yea or nay upon thy request according to the heartfeltness of the matter and thy obedience in following my commands, saith the Lord. Not one shalt perish who seeketh truth, saith the Lord.
The Father asketh unto thee? Why art thou famine upon the lands for there art many resources from those with financial abundance. The Father asketh unto thee. Wherefore art the heart of man for helping thy fellow man?
I watch and I honor only through the one who displayeth mine heart, saith the Lord. Doth thou understand?
I am blessing the younger children for many hath been abandoned by their parents. Not physically but through greed of the material wealth upon the lands. A time to prioritize for I am watching, saith the Lord. Anyone who abandoneth the children, hath abandoned the Father, saith the Lord. Heed this message, the voice of the Lord. All, yea, all shall be made manifest not many days hence. Be careful my children. A season to be watchful and pray!
I am prospering my children financially but only for the ones who wilt build up for my kingdom here on earth. Worryeth not of thy place seateth in heaven. Build upon the earth. The key is through LOVE. I am granting entreprenural ventures and services. A season of needed social reform. Build and repair and yea, ye shall prosper. Doth not my word sayeth the blessing of the Lord maketh rich and addeth no sorrow? Seek me for ideas. For yea, I hath many. But ye canst only build according to my commands. Upon building, ye and thy family shalt be blessed.
Devastations to occur in New Zealand and across the Artic. Beware for those living in the colder climates. Watch the news for reports upon safety. Heed the word of the Lord.
Pray. I am raising up entrepreneurs who will aid to heal famine across the lands. Supernatural abundance the Father pourest through thee. Upon thy obedience, ye too shalt be blessed. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
Man hath gone astray to the commands of the Father in every arena, saith the Lord. Wherefore art the formed mass of my original creation? It grieveth my heart for I long to be apart of thy lives, my children, saith the Lord. So many killings, so much mass destruction. What opposition unto the original plan I had purposed for man, saith the Lord. The Father grieveth over his children.
My creation unto mine own image? But nay, for unto the Father, I am Love. A needeth commodity amongst man, saith the Lord. Ye cannot continue unto this way. Ye hath polluteth unto the lands. I hath set ye into a garden of paradise for thine own comfort. How canst ye return, my children, saith the Lord. Forget ye the hurts of the past. A time and season to cleanse thyselves on the inside. Prepare ye the way for thy eternal home unto the Father. Be ye not afraid.
A time for much faith. I cometh by way of many supernatural visitations. Each individual of my creation will knowest the intimacy of the Father. For yea, I revealeth unto thee. Even the most hardened of heart wilt be made low as ye acknowledge the presence of the Father, saith the Lord. Many personal visitations to challenge mans unbelief in an eternal God.
A transforming of man cometh upon the earth to baffle mans wisdom of the mind. A supernatural wave of miracles I commandeth to be performed. Be ye watchful for the counterfeit shall also manifest from the evil one. Discern my children, saith the Lord. Be ye not deceived. Seek truth in the matter. For truth cannot be undone. If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Whence ye knowest truth, come running unto the Father, saith the Lord. For I am seeking to heal the most serious illnesses that hath come upon man.
Sendeth out my prophecies, all around the world. Circulate for it is not the will of the Father for any of my children to remain in a state of disease and sickness. I am healing all across the lands. Pray for the discernment of truth, saith the Lord. For upon truth, divine healing cometh from thy Father which art in healing. This power anointing shall baffle the most intellectual mind of man. For it will be bestowed upon the earth through the power of thy God, which art in heaven.
Cometh away from worshipping idols. A path of destruction is set before thee as the enemy lureth thee for thy demise, saith the Lord. Useth the wisdom the Father giveth unto thee. Unbelievable miracles shalt be performed. My blessing unto thee, my children, saith the Lord.
Petition me through prayer, of thy requests. Pray ye one for another. For I judgeth the hearts of man. Ye cannot petition for divine healing if ye doth not loveth thy neighbor, saith the Lord. For yea, this is a great command unto the Father...LOVE. If ye loveth not thy brethren, ye shalt not be healed, saith the Lord. Go back to the beginning upon my commandments given unto man. Asketh thyself, my children. For the Father asketh unto thee, doth thou observe? Go back to basics for ye hath moved far beyond the basic promises unto the Father. Seek me in Matthew 5:43 - 48.
Governmental structures shall decay. For from whom seeketh thee refuge? A serious matter to ponder, my children, saith the Lord. I only performeth miracles for those whose hearts hath not waxed cold through unbelief. Sendeth me thy prayers. I judgeth yea or nay upon thy request according to the heartfeltness of the matter and thy obedience in following my commands, saith the Lord. Not one shalt perish who seeketh truth, saith the Lord.
The Father asketh unto thee? Why art thou famine upon the lands for there art many resources from those with financial abundance. The Father asketh unto thee. Wherefore art the heart of man for helping thy fellow man?
I watch and I honor only through the one who displayeth mine heart, saith the Lord. Doth thou understand?
I am blessing the younger children for many hath been abandoned by their parents. Not physically but through greed of the material wealth upon the lands. A time to prioritize for I am watching, saith the Lord. Anyone who abandoneth the children, hath abandoned the Father, saith the Lord. Heed this message, the voice of the Lord. All, yea, all shall be made manifest not many days hence. Be careful my children. A season to be watchful and pray!
I am prospering my children financially but only for the ones who wilt build up for my kingdom here on earth. Worryeth not of thy place seateth in heaven. Build upon the earth. The key is through LOVE. I am granting entreprenural ventures and services. A season of needed social reform. Build and repair and yea, ye shall prosper. Doth not my word sayeth the blessing of the Lord maketh rich and addeth no sorrow? Seek me for ideas. For yea, I hath many. But ye canst only build according to my commands. Upon building, ye and thy family shalt be blessed.
Devastations to occur in New Zealand and across the Artic. Beware for those living in the colder climates. Watch the news for reports upon safety. Heed the word of the Lord.
Pray. I am raising up entrepreneurs who will aid to heal famine across the lands. Supernatural abundance the Father pourest through thee. Upon thy obedience, ye too shalt be blessed. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
7/31/11@12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne-Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved]
A divine process is about to unfold, saith the Lord. For yea, it wilt continue until the process is complete and all men hath heard the Gospel. The children wilt begin to come forth from early ages. I wilt begin to shower my glory upon the children from the age of 3. Divine wisdom cometh forth from on high. The artists and scribes shall begin to show promise as youth. Allow the children to become creative as youth. Stifle not their individual growth and development for it is my glory to be revealed upon the nations. Beware, my children. The counterfeit of Satan. Knoweth what Thus Saith The Lord unto the Bible. READ. Apostasy cometh from out of the ignorance of man. Seek ye the wisdom of the Father. Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding: My word is thy pathway to life in this season, my children, saith the Lord. Cleave unto me for I am near but the manifestation of my presence upon thee cometh through a process. Revealeth unto thee through intimacy. I searchest the heart of man. Useth thy time wisely, my children. Relinquish thyselves from the midst of clutter. Not pleasing unt0 the Father. There is order in my kingdom. Followeth the pattern of the Father. Giveth not place unto the adversary to bringeth destruction upon thy lives. Thy pathway to victory wilt be through prayer. Many shalt falter through unbelief. It is not my will for one to perish. For I seeketh to empower thee through my Love. Change thy ways for the heart of man wilt continue to wax cold. Wherefore art those who wilt leadeth the flock unto eternity? Goest not astray for there is empowerment upon my glory. I giveth wisdom how to build. "Unlimited," art thy resources unto the Father. Expansions to possess territory. New schools art needed for the adversary planneth to corrupt the minds of the teachers. Be diligent to interact and educate thine own children. Watch! A warning the Father giveth unto thee. Seekest wisdom from unto the Father regarding the children. I answereth thee, yea or nay. Perversion cometh unto the very young. A result of false imagery and role modeling, saith the Lord. Protect the young through truth. Be ye not deceived through pride. Least cometh the fall. Take heed to my commands. Governmental structures wilt begin to decay. Be ye deligent in thy research and assessment upon thy leaders for the adversary speakest unto the ear of the one not shielded by truth. Beware, my children, saith the Lord. Begin to pray for thy fellow man and brethren all around the world. A supernatural shield cometh upon thee whence ye prayeth one for another. I moveth quickly to answer prayer. I cometh a new way to protect my children, saith the Lord. Be ye shielded by my wings, saith the Lord. The heavenly host giveth unto thee divine protection. Seek me in Psalm 91. Obedience unto the Father. Be diligent in completing assignments given unto thee by anyone in authority. Doth not my word saith, the wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
A divine process is about to unfold, saith the Lord. For yea, it wilt continue until the process is complete and all men hath heard the Gospel. The children wilt begin to come forth from early ages. I wilt begin to shower my glory upon the children from the age of 3. Divine wisdom cometh forth from on high. The artists and scribes shall begin to show promise as youth. Allow the children to become creative as youth. Stifle not their individual growth and development for it is my glory to be revealed upon the nations. Beware, my children. The counterfeit of Satan. Knoweth what Thus Saith The Lord unto the Bible. READ. Apostasy cometh from out of the ignorance of man. Seek ye the wisdom of the Father. Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding: My word is thy pathway to life in this season, my children, saith the Lord. Cleave unto me for I am near but the manifestation of my presence upon thee cometh through a process. Revealeth unto thee through intimacy. I searchest the heart of man. Useth thy time wisely, my children. Relinquish thyselves from the midst of clutter. Not pleasing unt0 the Father. There is order in my kingdom. Followeth the pattern of the Father. Giveth not place unto the adversary to bringeth destruction upon thy lives. Thy pathway to victory wilt be through prayer. Many shalt falter through unbelief. It is not my will for one to perish. For I seeketh to empower thee through my Love. Change thy ways for the heart of man wilt continue to wax cold. Wherefore art those who wilt leadeth the flock unto eternity? Goest not astray for there is empowerment upon my glory. I giveth wisdom how to build. "Unlimited," art thy resources unto the Father. Expansions to possess territory. New schools art needed for the adversary planneth to corrupt the minds of the teachers. Be diligent to interact and educate thine own children. Watch! A warning the Father giveth unto thee. Seekest wisdom from unto the Father regarding the children. I answereth thee, yea or nay. Perversion cometh unto the very young. A result of false imagery and role modeling, saith the Lord. Protect the young through truth. Be ye not deceived through pride. Least cometh the fall. Take heed to my commands. Governmental structures wilt begin to decay. Be ye deligent in thy research and assessment upon thy leaders for the adversary speakest unto the ear of the one not shielded by truth. Beware, my children, saith the Lord. Begin to pray for thy fellow man and brethren all around the world. A supernatural shield cometh upon thee whence ye prayeth one for another. I moveth quickly to answer prayer. I cometh a new way to protect my children, saith the Lord. Be ye shielded by my wings, saith the Lord. The heavenly host giveth unto thee divine protection. Seek me in Psalm 91. Obedience unto the Father. Be diligent in completing assignments given unto thee by anyone in authority. Doth not my word saith, the wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
7/24/11@12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne- Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora T0 The Nations [Copyright c 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved.]
This is a special season unto man. For yea, I am birthing from my womb but only for those who cometh in obedience of response unto my commands, saith the Lord. A personal matter between child and Father. An intimate place. I upholdeth through divine authority through holiness and righteousness, saith the Lord. The Father asketh unto thee, my children....Who Wilt Pay The Price? Through the act of sacrifice only can one stand. A place of intimacy and devotion. But the Father blesseth thee beyond measure, my children, saith the Lord. Seek me in 2 Timothy 3 (The Last Days). I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord
This is a special season unto man. For yea, I am birthing from my womb but only for those who cometh in obedience of response unto my commands, saith the Lord. A personal matter between child and Father. An intimate place. I upholdeth through divine authority through holiness and righteousness, saith the Lord. The Father asketh unto thee, my children....Who Wilt Pay The Price? Through the act of sacrifice only can one stand. A place of intimacy and devotion. But the Father blesseth thee beyond measure, my children, saith the Lord. Seek me in 2 Timothy 3 (The Last Days). I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord
Monday, July 11, 2011
7/13/11@12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne -Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved.]
Telleth my people what the Father sayest unto thee. And yea, I seekest out my prophets in this season, saith the Lord. But ye must be diligent unto thy calling and trained properly. Many hath gone forth without being birthed through my portals of glory, saith the Lord. The Father asketh unto thee, from whence hath ye been birthed? Listeneth for the sound of my voice. Come when ye heareth my beconning call. A season of transition and change. Miss not the Father for yea, this is a season of recompense unto the Lord. I restoreth unto thee my children, many who hath fallen. Knowest thou this, come quickly, for the Lord hath need of thee. But ye must be willing and obedient in following my commands, saith the Lord. Seek me in Deuteronomy 28. Renewed consecrations for cleansing is needed as the Father leadeth thee. Be ye not afraid to moveth forward and come unto me. The Holy Spirit revealeth to all who seek or respond to my beconning call. New beginnings for I sendeth many into foreign lands and undeveloped territory to cultivate ye the Gospel. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
Telleth my people what the Father sayest unto thee. And yea, I seekest out my prophets in this season, saith the Lord. But ye must be diligent unto thy calling and trained properly. Many hath gone forth without being birthed through my portals of glory, saith the Lord. The Father asketh unto thee, from whence hath ye been birthed? Listeneth for the sound of my voice. Come when ye heareth my beconning call. A season of transition and change. Miss not the Father for yea, this is a season of recompense unto the Lord. I restoreth unto thee my children, many who hath fallen. Knowest thou this, come quickly, for the Lord hath need of thee. But ye must be willing and obedient in following my commands, saith the Lord. Seek me in Deuteronomy 28. Renewed consecrations for cleansing is needed as the Father leadeth thee. Be ye not afraid to moveth forward and come unto me. The Holy Spirit revealeth to all who seek or respond to my beconning call. New beginnings for I sendeth many into foreign lands and undeveloped territory to cultivate ye the Gospel. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
7/4/11@12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved.]
There is a special place in my heart for my sons who embrace the teachings of the Father in this season. A turning point in the hearts and life of man, saith the Lord. New beginnings in thy lives my children, saith the Father. But yea, through divine appointment, an expected end. New teachings, new definitions, new thought processing, new ideas are needed my children, saith the Lord as the mysteries of the Gospel unfoldeth unto thee. Receive with gladness my children, saith the Lord. For I cometh a new way. Look not upon that of the old. For those who embrace my beconning call, a new anointing shall cometh upon them to prepare and shieldeth thee upon thy new journey. And yea, my people must be well equipped. Seek me in Zechariah chapters 8 and 9, saith the Lord. Many shall go astray for unbelief. But the Father saith unto thee my children, prepare ye the way properly for I am soon to come. A season for increase. I hath heard the prayers of my people and I am blessing my children, but only through obedience. The new direction cometh from foundational wisdom unto the Father. Unto thy obedience, ye wilt see a breakthrough in thy ministries. The Father promiseth thee. Doth not my word sayeth, the blessing of the Lord maketh rich and addeth no sorrow? Seek me in Isaith 35: 1 - 10 and Philippians 2: 1-11. I sendeth my prophets throughout the lands to revealeth my new direction unto the nations. Stabilization is needed my children for the end times. Prepare thyselves properly. Leaders, fortify thy members from the onslaught of the enemy for yea, he is near, seeking whom he may devour. Prostrate thyselves before me and yea, I shall confirm this message unto thee, my children, saith the Lord. Knowest thou this, ye art loved by the Father. I have come to answer prayers by divine appointment. Miss not thy blessings in this hour. All is in divine order ....Because Of Love.
There is a special place in my heart for my sons who embrace the teachings of the Father in this season. A turning point in the hearts and life of man, saith the Lord. New beginnings in thy lives my children, saith the Father. But yea, through divine appointment, an expected end. New teachings, new definitions, new thought processing, new ideas are needed my children, saith the Lord as the mysteries of the Gospel unfoldeth unto thee. Receive with gladness my children, saith the Lord. For I cometh a new way. Look not upon that of the old. For those who embrace my beconning call, a new anointing shall cometh upon them to prepare and shieldeth thee upon thy new journey. And yea, my people must be well equipped. Seek me in Zechariah chapters 8 and 9, saith the Lord. Many shall go astray for unbelief. But the Father saith unto thee my children, prepare ye the way properly for I am soon to come. A season for increase. I hath heard the prayers of my people and I am blessing my children, but only through obedience. The new direction cometh from foundational wisdom unto the Father. Unto thy obedience, ye wilt see a breakthrough in thy ministries. The Father promiseth thee. Doth not my word sayeth, the blessing of the Lord maketh rich and addeth no sorrow? Seek me in Isaith 35: 1 - 10 and Philippians 2: 1-11. I sendeth my prophets throughout the lands to revealeth my new direction unto the nations. Stabilization is needed my children for the end times. Prepare thyselves properly. Leaders, fortify thy members from the onslaught of the enemy for yea, he is near, seeking whom he may devour. Prostrate thyselves before me and yea, I shall confirm this message unto thee, my children, saith the Lord. Knowest thou this, ye art loved by the Father. I have come to answer prayers by divine appointment. Miss not thy blessings in this hour. All is in divine order ....Because Of Love.
6/18/11@12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved.]
Many people in foreign lands hath not been mentally developed properly due to environmental factors beyond their control. Much oppression, saith the Lord. For whence they cometh to the United States, they begin to flourish for the freedom of wisdom floweth freely, saith the Lord. Once they adapt to the change, the mental faculties desireth to explore and absorb. Many shall be healed just by the change of environment and release from the bondage of oppression, saith the Lord. A key factor in the growth and development of my people. Continue to prayeth unto the nations. Fortifies mans legal right of passage unto the earthly rhelm, saith the Father. It is my desire for world peace and unity. What a tragedy the state of man due to sin. Pray intercessors pray for the removal of shakels within the earthly rhelm. I am removing all barriers from upon my people. Seek me in Leviticus 9. I desireth freedom of my people to serveth me from a pure heart. Faith is needed in this time and season. For yea, I am moving unto the benefit of man. Not many days hence, ye shall see change. Many more devastations cometh forth from remote areas. I am purging and cleansing the lands. A transformation taketh place as the core of the earth births forth my glory and aborts polution and impurity. If ye pray. I moveth forth quickly unto the restoration of my people. Readeth Torah (the Hebrew Scriptures). Seek me in Ephesians 2 and 3: 1- 16 and Romans 16:25. Man knoweth not the plight of the Father. For I beconneth all to come unto me, saith the Lord. For I longeth unto the return of my sons and daughters. But many heedeth not my beconning call because of unbelief. The Father asketh unto thee De'bora, what sayest thou? It is not my desire for anyone to perish. Continue to sendeth forth my prophecies. It is the desire unto the Father for many more to come unto me. Teach this in thy ministries, saith the Lord. Seek me in Luke 13. I giveth personal insight for all who come. Knowest thou this, devastations to be made manifest in Chile, Argentina, Nicaragua, Bombay, Indonesia. Pray intercessors, pray. Seek me in Acts 15 and Acts 16: 4,5. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
Many people in foreign lands hath not been mentally developed properly due to environmental factors beyond their control. Much oppression, saith the Lord. For whence they cometh to the United States, they begin to flourish for the freedom of wisdom floweth freely, saith the Lord. Once they adapt to the change, the mental faculties desireth to explore and absorb. Many shall be healed just by the change of environment and release from the bondage of oppression, saith the Lord. A key factor in the growth and development of my people. Continue to prayeth unto the nations. Fortifies mans legal right of passage unto the earthly rhelm, saith the Father. It is my desire for world peace and unity. What a tragedy the state of man due to sin. Pray intercessors pray for the removal of shakels within the earthly rhelm. I am removing all barriers from upon my people. Seek me in Leviticus 9. I desireth freedom of my people to serveth me from a pure heart. Faith is needed in this time and season. For yea, I am moving unto the benefit of man. Not many days hence, ye shall see change. Many more devastations cometh forth from remote areas. I am purging and cleansing the lands. A transformation taketh place as the core of the earth births forth my glory and aborts polution and impurity. If ye pray. I moveth forth quickly unto the restoration of my people. Readeth Torah (the Hebrew Scriptures). Seek me in Ephesians 2 and 3: 1- 16 and Romans 16:25. Man knoweth not the plight of the Father. For I beconneth all to come unto me, saith the Lord. For I longeth unto the return of my sons and daughters. But many heedeth not my beconning call because of unbelief. The Father asketh unto thee De'bora, what sayest thou? It is not my desire for anyone to perish. Continue to sendeth forth my prophecies. It is the desire unto the Father for many more to come unto me. Teach this in thy ministries, saith the Lord. Seek me in Luke 13. I giveth personal insight for all who come. Knowest thou this, devastations to be made manifest in Chile, Argentina, Nicaragua, Bombay, Indonesia. Pray intercessors, pray. Seek me in Acts 15 and Acts 16: 4,5. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
6/5/11@12:00 mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved.]
Many anointed ones shall go in this season, saith the Lord, and yea, for disobedience unto the Father.
The priesthood hath been compromised, saith the Lord. It is my desire to transformeth the hearts of the people for many hath waxed cold.
They ignoreth my commands. They putteth unto the hearts of my people, soot.
I giveth unto thee a Certificate Of Authenticity. A Decree, saith the Lord. For I stampeth ICABOD upon many of the churches, saith the Lord.
I bringeth judgment upon the lands. Decree, Proclaim, and Declare for I shutteth many doors. I am rebuilding and breaking up fallow ground in many regions.
Declare ICABOD hath come for I hath given a decree of death.
A Newbirth, for the remaining churches. They shall flourish with a quickness, saith the Lord for Restoration, Rejuvenation, and Resurrection Above The Mundane. Those that are dying- wilt die. Those that standeth upon The Rock shall stand. The earth trembeleth, the rocks shattereth at the sound of my voice. Their foundations shall crumble unexpectedly, overnight.
The remaining few - with grace and tenacity, saith the Lord. Seek me in Matthew 7:24 - 27.
Make a Certificate Of Decree - Proclaim and Declare Among the Apostles - The Winds of the Holy Spirit Bringeth Forth Change!
Ye moveth in this season as a Prophetess of Judgment, saith the Lord. Sealeth the Judgment with An Apostolic Mandate For Change. All wilt occur suddenly, saith the Lord.
I washeth away the filth unto the daughters of Zion. Prophesy Son of Man, What Thus Saith The Lord.
Many anointed ones shall go in this season, saith the Lord, and yea, for disobedience unto the Father.
The priesthood hath been compromised, saith the Lord. It is my desire to transformeth the hearts of the people for many hath waxed cold.
They ignoreth my commands. They putteth unto the hearts of my people, soot.
I giveth unto thee a Certificate Of Authenticity. A Decree, saith the Lord. For I stampeth ICABOD upon many of the churches, saith the Lord.
I bringeth judgment upon the lands. Decree, Proclaim, and Declare for I shutteth many doors. I am rebuilding and breaking up fallow ground in many regions.
Declare ICABOD hath come for I hath given a decree of death.
A Newbirth, for the remaining churches. They shall flourish with a quickness, saith the Lord for Restoration, Rejuvenation, and Resurrection Above The Mundane. Those that are dying- wilt die. Those that standeth upon The Rock shall stand. The earth trembeleth, the rocks shattereth at the sound of my voice. Their foundations shall crumble unexpectedly, overnight.
The remaining few - with grace and tenacity, saith the Lord. Seek me in Matthew 7:24 - 27.
Make a Certificate Of Decree - Proclaim and Declare Among the Apostles - The Winds of the Holy Spirit Bringeth Forth Change!
Ye moveth in this season as a Prophetess of Judgment, saith the Lord. Sealeth the Judgment with An Apostolic Mandate For Change. All wilt occur suddenly, saith the Lord.
I washeth away the filth unto the daughters of Zion. Prophesy Son of Man, What Thus Saith The Lord.
5/26/11@3:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved.]
Crucial moments lieth ahead. A serious matter, saith the Lord. Stay in my presence. War in the heavenlies. A battle unbeknown unto man. Satan planeth an attack through the minds of the people. Beware, saith the Lord. Prepare thyselves properly through obedience unto the Father. For yea, many shall fall. Not my will regarding this matter. The end results will be more devastating than ye can imagine. I warneth my children of impending danger. Keep thyselves divinely protected and thy families through the tools the Lord thy God giveth unto thee. But knowest thou this, the Father shieldeth those who followeth my commands. Many political leaders shall become corrupt. Filthy lucre and sexuality deraileth the mindsets of the people from unto right standards of living. They knowest not the Father hearest private conversations behind closed doors. But yea, all shall be exposed and much shame to follow. Anoint thy heads with oil, even before ye sleep, saith the Lord and thy children. Pray. Be ye not slothful. A time to reassess thy character. Ye knowest not who is watching, saith the Lord. Some watchest to expand thy borders and yea, some watchest for thy demise, saith the Father. A time of divine appointments which cometh from unto the Father. Pray for the soul of man for healing, growth and development. Young authors shall arise providing supernatural wisdom. Doth not my word saith, " But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise." Ye must knowest truth as spoken in the bible, my children, saith the Lord. For yea, the enemy sendeth false prophets with gifts and talents to deceive the very elect. Read my word daily. Serves as hedge of protection to discern that which is truth and that which is in error. Seek me in Matthew 24, my children, saith the Lord. And yea, a time of preparation. Knowest thou this, BEWARE, TRAIN DERAILMENTS SHALL BEGIN TO OCCUR, PRAY FOR THY SAFETY. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord. Seek the Father daily, how to proceed in thy daily affairs as unto David. The Father revealeth unto thee, yea or nay. Be ye not afraid to speak, What Thus Saith The Lord, De'bora. A season of terror, my people need wisdom, how to proceed.
Crucial moments lieth ahead. A serious matter, saith the Lord. Stay in my presence. War in the heavenlies. A battle unbeknown unto man. Satan planeth an attack through the minds of the people. Beware, saith the Lord. Prepare thyselves properly through obedience unto the Father. For yea, many shall fall. Not my will regarding this matter. The end results will be more devastating than ye can imagine. I warneth my children of impending danger. Keep thyselves divinely protected and thy families through the tools the Lord thy God giveth unto thee. But knowest thou this, the Father shieldeth those who followeth my commands. Many political leaders shall become corrupt. Filthy lucre and sexuality deraileth the mindsets of the people from unto right standards of living. They knowest not the Father hearest private conversations behind closed doors. But yea, all shall be exposed and much shame to follow. Anoint thy heads with oil, even before ye sleep, saith the Lord and thy children. Pray. Be ye not slothful. A time to reassess thy character. Ye knowest not who is watching, saith the Lord. Some watchest to expand thy borders and yea, some watchest for thy demise, saith the Father. A time of divine appointments which cometh from unto the Father. Pray for the soul of man for healing, growth and development. Young authors shall arise providing supernatural wisdom. Doth not my word saith, " But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise." Ye must knowest truth as spoken in the bible, my children, saith the Lord. For yea, the enemy sendeth false prophets with gifts and talents to deceive the very elect. Read my word daily. Serves as hedge of protection to discern that which is truth and that which is in error. Seek me in Matthew 24, my children, saith the Lord. And yea, a time of preparation. Knowest thou this, BEWARE, TRAIN DERAILMENTS SHALL BEGIN TO OCCUR, PRAY FOR THY SAFETY. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord. Seek the Father daily, how to proceed in thy daily affairs as unto David. The Father revealeth unto thee, yea or nay. Be ye not afraid to speak, What Thus Saith The Lord, De'bora. A season of terror, my people need wisdom, how to proceed.
5/15/11@12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved]
De'bora, telleth my people what the Father sayest unto thee. Begin to sow seeds directly unto the hands of my servants lives who minister unto thee my children, saith the Lord. For I am honoring seeds which hath been planted and multiplying it back unto thine own personal lives, saith the Lord. No matter how big or how small, the seed that ye planteth. For the Father looketh upon the heart of the matter as unto the seed planteth in the heart of the widow woman. Seek me in Mark 12:41-44. And yea, I honoreth thee according to my word, saith the Lord. Doth not my word saith it shall not return unto me void. Seek me in Isaiah 55 in its entirety. For I honoreth unto my children for thy obedience, saith the Lord. For unto the vision of the Father, whence my kingdom upon the earth shall prosper.
De'bora, telleth my people what the Father sayest unto thee. Begin to sow seeds directly unto the hands of my servants lives who minister unto thee my children, saith the Lord. For I am honoring seeds which hath been planted and multiplying it back unto thine own personal lives, saith the Lord. No matter how big or how small, the seed that ye planteth. For the Father looketh upon the heart of the matter as unto the seed planteth in the heart of the widow woman. Seek me in Mark 12:41-44. And yea, I honoreth thee according to my word, saith the Lord. Doth not my word saith it shall not return unto me void. Seek me in Isaiah 55 in its entirety. For I honoreth unto my children for thy obedience, saith the Lord. For unto the vision of the Father, whence my kingdom upon the earth shall prosper.
5/11/11@12mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne- Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved]
And yea, "A Cloak of Many Colors and A Royal Septer." An Apostles Honor, saith the Lord. Hence, their "Weapon of Warfare." Many I shalt honor and yea, many more the Father taketh away caused by dishonor. My people knowest not the seriousness of the matter. Frivilous behavior hast been bestowed by some, De'bora. For I seeth all things. That which is done in secret. And yea, for whence sin entereth in the heart of man, it blindeth. They worryeth not what the Father canst see. The Spirit of Blindness causeth much pain amongst my people, saith the Lord. Many lives art being derailed from unto the hearts of man. Pray intercessors pray for recovery of the Holiness within the church. Purity hath been compromised vanishing the work of my son, in the minds of the people. Much lawlessness wilt be revealed via the media, saith the Lord. Pray for the sanctity to be restored within the boundaries of the doors of the church. My heart grieveth De'bora for the wicked carest not about the plight of man. Knowest thou this, many personal relationships are being restored as a result of intercessory prayer. Pray my children, pray with a ferverency, saith the Lord. I heareth all. A pleasing savor unto the nostrils of the Father. I blesseth the one who hath been faithful. I sendeth financial blessings. And yea, my people needeth this kind of encouragement. Many new movements wilt begin as people formeth alliances out of fear. Displaced emotions that hath a root. Sent from the evil one. Man seekest not wisdom from the root of its essence, unto the Father. Doth not my word saith, "For the LORD giveth wisdom, out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding." I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
And yea, "A Cloak of Many Colors and A Royal Septer." An Apostles Honor, saith the Lord. Hence, their "Weapon of Warfare." Many I shalt honor and yea, many more the Father taketh away caused by dishonor. My people knowest not the seriousness of the matter. Frivilous behavior hast been bestowed by some, De'bora. For I seeth all things. That which is done in secret. And yea, for whence sin entereth in the heart of man, it blindeth. They worryeth not what the Father canst see. The Spirit of Blindness causeth much pain amongst my people, saith the Lord. Many lives art being derailed from unto the hearts of man. Pray intercessors pray for recovery of the Holiness within the church. Purity hath been compromised vanishing the work of my son, in the minds of the people. Much lawlessness wilt be revealed via the media, saith the Lord. Pray for the sanctity to be restored within the boundaries of the doors of the church. My heart grieveth De'bora for the wicked carest not about the plight of man. Knowest thou this, many personal relationships are being restored as a result of intercessory prayer. Pray my children, pray with a ferverency, saith the Lord. I heareth all. A pleasing savor unto the nostrils of the Father. I blesseth the one who hath been faithful. I sendeth financial blessings. And yea, my people needeth this kind of encouragement. Many new movements wilt begin as people formeth alliances out of fear. Displaced emotions that hath a root. Sent from the evil one. Man seekest not wisdom from the root of its essence, unto the Father. Doth not my word saith, "For the LORD giveth wisdom, out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding." I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
5/3/11@12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved]
Many youth are hurting in silence, saith the Lord. Sons and daughters of Pastors and Prophets that have gone astray. For the glory of the Father is upon their lives, saith the Lord. They cannot come forth as youth for fear of repercussion from their backslidding parents who preside under cover, saith the Lord. Pray for my young children to be able to come forth, out of fear for oppression, saith the Lord. See ye through the Fathers eyes. Deliverance is needed unto many leaders in the churches. For many leaders hath gone astray. Seek me in Genesis 21 and Genesis 22. The Father revealeth unto thee truth, saith the Lord. What a pity unto the state of man.
Many youth are hurting in silence, saith the Lord. Sons and daughters of Pastors and Prophets that have gone astray. For the glory of the Father is upon their lives, saith the Lord. They cannot come forth as youth for fear of repercussion from their backslidding parents who preside under cover, saith the Lord. Pray for my young children to be able to come forth, out of fear for oppression, saith the Lord. See ye through the Fathers eyes. Deliverance is needed unto many leaders in the churches. For many leaders hath gone astray. Seek me in Genesis 21 and Genesis 22. The Father revealeth unto thee truth, saith the Lord. What a pity unto the state of man.
4/27/11@3:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved.]
Stop spanking the children for my Shedinah Glory resteth upon many, saith the Lord. Speak unto their spirit during the night seasons. For ye shall see transformations right before thine eyes. As unto Moses. Seek me in Exodus 33, saith the Lord. Doubt not my voice for the children shall lead many across the lands. A season of empowerment for the youth. Many youth leaders shall spring forth, saith the Lord, possessing as unto the wisdom of Solomon. I seeketh the pure in heart not contaminated by the cares of the world. Many of the youth are in mental distress, lost and abandoned by man. Not so, saith the Lord. For they shall suffereth no longer. Seek me in Genesis 21,saith the Lord. Many lads shall heareth my voice for I formeth a new army of men to train as warriors unto the next generation. A powerful anointing I shall place upon them to become victorious and win territory for my kingdom, saith the Lord.
Stop spanking the children for my Shedinah Glory resteth upon many, saith the Lord. Speak unto their spirit during the night seasons. For ye shall see transformations right before thine eyes. As unto Moses. Seek me in Exodus 33, saith the Lord. Doubt not my voice for the children shall lead many across the lands. A season of empowerment for the youth. Many youth leaders shall spring forth, saith the Lord, possessing as unto the wisdom of Solomon. I seeketh the pure in heart not contaminated by the cares of the world. Many of the youth are in mental distress, lost and abandoned by man. Not so, saith the Lord. For they shall suffereth no longer. Seek me in Genesis 21,saith the Lord. Many lads shall heareth my voice for I formeth a new army of men to train as warriors unto the next generation. A powerful anointing I shall place upon them to become victorious and win territory for my kingdom, saith the Lord.
4/19/11@3:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved]
The heart of man hath waxed cold. What a sorrowful state unto the Father. Cometh back my children for I am neareth thee, saith the Lord. Opposition bringeth about victory. For in thy blessing I dispatchest angels to keep thee in all thy ways. Is that not my word. Decree and declare in this season as unto Christ return. My word giveth unto thee empowerment. Opposition bringeth victory for the battle is not yours but mine. And yea, the Father seeth all. Vengence is mine, saith the Lord. Allow me to fight thy battles my children for I am well equipped. Keep thyselves pure. Taint not thy vessels with unnecessary relationships with people who followeth not unto my path. Knowest the enemy is near. Keepeth thine eyes unto the Father. Deviate not for I am speaking, to all who obeyeth my divine commands. I longeth for my children to come to me in this manner. My heart yearneth to see my children upon the earth stand forth unto righteousness, saith the Lord. I giveth unto thee empowerment from on high. There shall be a shifting of governments upon the earth. New alliances wilt begin to be formed as scripture moveth unto a time of fulfillment. Search the scriptures for truth and ye wilt not be deceived my children, saith the Lord. Pray for thy current leaders all around the world for Satan speaketh into the eargate of man. Whispers that soundeth like truth, but nay, hath been altered. Knowest my word as spoken forth within the bible. Deviate not unto thine own understanding. Relieth not upon man for a spirit of deception and camoflage pervails to deceiveth many. Pray without ceasing and calleth upon me for I am near. Usher in my glory. Serves as a hedge of protection to surroundeth thee. Seek me through praise, worship and prayer. I heareth and come forth to the aid of my children. Too much time spent on the internet. Look, check and come off. Shieldeth thy spirit of unwanted contamination of subbliminal suggestion, saith the Lord. A trick of the enemy for thy demise in thought processes. A new strategy unbeknown to man. Filter what is absorbed. More bizarre ideas shall be planted by the enemy through the media of communication. Filter what is received, deposited, as a seed of contamination planted by the enemy to generate and grow to alter the thought processes of man. Confusing states of mind shall begin to be made manifest. Beware my children, saith the Lord. Pray ye one for another. A time of interconnecting faiths. No more separation of denominations. Pray ye one for another. Devastations through the lands bringeth forth the need for unity. The lands are polluted and the earth regurgitateth itself of all impurity. A universal cleansing taketh place my children, saith the Lord. Ye shall see for yea, it shall all cometh to pass. Devastations within the United States shall begin to occur within its Northern countries. Contaminations through food poisonings. Wash all before ye eat my children, saith the Lord. Cleanse thy hands. Disease shall be passed through bodily contacts. Beware a trick of the enemy, saith the Lord. A time of purification, holiness and cleansing is needed my children to fight the wiles of the enemy. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord. Sendeth out my prophecies De'bora. Worry not to whom. Saturate the lands with the wisdom of the Father. Many will not believe nor heed my beconning call. What thou heareth write. Fear not all who are in dismay, for they wilt soon be awakened to truth. I present unto the nations the opportunity for repentence and deliverance. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches and unto man. Many demonic creatures hath been released in the earthly rhelm to stop the new move of the Father. A shift hath taken place. Decree / Declare / Proclaim according to what hath been spoken unto thee - Thus Saith The Lord and yea, all shall be made manifest. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
The heart of man hath waxed cold. What a sorrowful state unto the Father. Cometh back my children for I am neareth thee, saith the Lord. Opposition bringeth about victory. For in thy blessing I dispatchest angels to keep thee in all thy ways. Is that not my word. Decree and declare in this season as unto Christ return. My word giveth unto thee empowerment. Opposition bringeth victory for the battle is not yours but mine. And yea, the Father seeth all. Vengence is mine, saith the Lord. Allow me to fight thy battles my children for I am well equipped. Keep thyselves pure. Taint not thy vessels with unnecessary relationships with people who followeth not unto my path. Knowest the enemy is near. Keepeth thine eyes unto the Father. Deviate not for I am speaking, to all who obeyeth my divine commands. I longeth for my children to come to me in this manner. My heart yearneth to see my children upon the earth stand forth unto righteousness, saith the Lord. I giveth unto thee empowerment from on high. There shall be a shifting of governments upon the earth. New alliances wilt begin to be formed as scripture moveth unto a time of fulfillment. Search the scriptures for truth and ye wilt not be deceived my children, saith the Lord. Pray for thy current leaders all around the world for Satan speaketh into the eargate of man. Whispers that soundeth like truth, but nay, hath been altered. Knowest my word as spoken forth within the bible. Deviate not unto thine own understanding. Relieth not upon man for a spirit of deception and camoflage pervails to deceiveth many. Pray without ceasing and calleth upon me for I am near. Usher in my glory. Serves as a hedge of protection to surroundeth thee. Seek me through praise, worship and prayer. I heareth and come forth to the aid of my children. Too much time spent on the internet. Look, check and come off. Shieldeth thy spirit of unwanted contamination of subbliminal suggestion, saith the Lord. A trick of the enemy for thy demise in thought processes. A new strategy unbeknown to man. Filter what is absorbed. More bizarre ideas shall be planted by the enemy through the media of communication. Filter what is received, deposited, as a seed of contamination planted by the enemy to generate and grow to alter the thought processes of man. Confusing states of mind shall begin to be made manifest. Beware my children, saith the Lord. Pray ye one for another. A time of interconnecting faiths. No more separation of denominations. Pray ye one for another. Devastations through the lands bringeth forth the need for unity. The lands are polluted and the earth regurgitateth itself of all impurity. A universal cleansing taketh place my children, saith the Lord. Ye shall see for yea, it shall all cometh to pass. Devastations within the United States shall begin to occur within its Northern countries. Contaminations through food poisonings. Wash all before ye eat my children, saith the Lord. Cleanse thy hands. Disease shall be passed through bodily contacts. Beware a trick of the enemy, saith the Lord. A time of purification, holiness and cleansing is needed my children to fight the wiles of the enemy. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord. Sendeth out my prophecies De'bora. Worry not to whom. Saturate the lands with the wisdom of the Father. Many will not believe nor heed my beconning call. What thou heareth write. Fear not all who are in dismay, for they wilt soon be awakened to truth. I present unto the nations the opportunity for repentence and deliverance. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches and unto man. Many demonic creatures hath been released in the earthly rhelm to stop the new move of the Father. A shift hath taken place. Decree / Declare / Proclaim according to what hath been spoken unto thee - Thus Saith The Lord and yea, all shall be made manifest. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
4/6/11@5:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved.]
Many Pastors wilt be led to seek additional training to be able to cultivate their ministries properly according to thy new assignments. And yea, move with a quickness my children, saith the Lord. A divine process is being unfolded unbeknown unto man. Keep thyselves purified to be able to heareth the Fathers voice clearly for I giveth specific instructions as unto thy forefathers. And yea, the winds of Holy Spirit bringeth about changes in the lives of my people. Keep thyselves divinely protected through prayer. Knowest thou this, many hath fallen astray for they lack understanding. Doth not my word sayest wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding? Seek me in Proverbs 4. The foolish shall not stand. Goeth back to foundational truths to re-establish thy ministries, saith the Lord. My kingdom hath been established from foundational truths. Seek me in Psalm 25:14. Ye shalt see rapid growth my children, saith the Lord for unto thy obedience. Be ye not slothful and sleepeth not for the enemy seeketh thy demise. Come with me my children, unto my divine presence. A season to drink plenty of water and flusheth thy bodies of unwanted fecal matter, saith the Lord.
Many Pastors wilt be led to seek additional training to be able to cultivate their ministries properly according to thy new assignments. And yea, move with a quickness my children, saith the Lord. A divine process is being unfolded unbeknown unto man. Keep thyselves purified to be able to heareth the Fathers voice clearly for I giveth specific instructions as unto thy forefathers. And yea, the winds of Holy Spirit bringeth about changes in the lives of my people. Keep thyselves divinely protected through prayer. Knowest thou this, many hath fallen astray for they lack understanding. Doth not my word sayest wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding? Seek me in Proverbs 4. The foolish shall not stand. Goeth back to foundational truths to re-establish thy ministries, saith the Lord. My kingdom hath been established from foundational truths. Seek me in Psalm 25:14. Ye shalt see rapid growth my children, saith the Lord for unto thy obedience. Be ye not slothful and sleepeth not for the enemy seeketh thy demise. Come with me my children, unto my divine presence. A season to drink plenty of water and flusheth thy bodies of unwanted fecal matter, saith the Lord.
3/21/11@3:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved.]
Telleth my people to walk upright for I am watching over my kingdom, teach this in thy ministries, saith the Lord. Seek me in Matthew 5: 1-17, I am watching through loving yet judgmental eyes. Knowest thou this, Judgment cometh unto the church for my sanctuaries hath become polluted not pleasing unto the Father. Warnings hath not been adheared to, saith the Lord. I seekest the pure in heart for yea, they shall receive my blessings. A time of separation - clean vs unclean for I am cleansing across the lands, saith the Lord. Seek me in Leviticus 10:10. Be ye not slothful my children through doubt and unbelief sent from the evil one. I purgest away the dross to bringeth forth purification upon the lands. Heed ye my prophets for yea, they shalt speak what Thus Saith The Lord in this season. Arise, Arise, Awake, Awake for I moveth throughout the lands. Read daily the word of the Lord and keepest it close unto thy hearts my children. For it will serve as a hedge of protection upon thee. Pray my children, pray, for yea, the Father heareth thy prayers. Pray ye one for another. A time to love. Seek me in Ecclesiastes 3 for yea I am bringing it to pass my children, saith the Lord. Prepare ye the way. Teach this in thy ministries and share this message for I am passing judgment against those who hath oppressed women. And yea, people shall be empowered this season with an anointing to accomplish each of their individual goals given by the Father. Each vision is unique, treat it as such. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
Telleth my people to walk upright for I am watching over my kingdom, teach this in thy ministries, saith the Lord. Seek me in Matthew 5: 1-17, I am watching through loving yet judgmental eyes. Knowest thou this, Judgment cometh unto the church for my sanctuaries hath become polluted not pleasing unto the Father. Warnings hath not been adheared to, saith the Lord. I seekest the pure in heart for yea, they shall receive my blessings. A time of separation - clean vs unclean for I am cleansing across the lands, saith the Lord. Seek me in Leviticus 10:10. Be ye not slothful my children through doubt and unbelief sent from the evil one. I purgest away the dross to bringeth forth purification upon the lands. Heed ye my prophets for yea, they shalt speak what Thus Saith The Lord in this season. Arise, Arise, Awake, Awake for I moveth throughout the lands. Read daily the word of the Lord and keepest it close unto thy hearts my children. For it will serve as a hedge of protection upon thee. Pray my children, pray, for yea, the Father heareth thy prayers. Pray ye one for another. A time to love. Seek me in Ecclesiastes 3 for yea I am bringing it to pass my children, saith the Lord. Prepare ye the way. Teach this in thy ministries and share this message for I am passing judgment against those who hath oppressed women. And yea, people shall be empowered this season with an anointing to accomplish each of their individual goals given by the Father. Each vision is unique, treat it as such. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
3/11/11@5:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved.]
Telleth my people, to go back over thy notes and place prophecies together from What Thus Saith The Lord for yea, I wilt bring it to pass, teach this in thy ministries, says God. A time of cleansing, purify. Stay in a place of consecration for ye wilt heareth my voice, saith the Lord. I holdeth thee accountable my children, unto thy charge. Allow thy spirits to grow without hinderance. Stay atuned to thy own callings. Others hath thine own assignments. Specialty ministries are being birthed forth. Stayeth within thine own anointing, for nay, not one wilt be the same. Similar but with a specific divine purpose to be accomplished unto the Father. Look not upon that of another, saith the Lord. A new way of divine intervention the Father giveth unto my children to prosper through divine connections. Prophetic relationships and marriages are being formed and moveth by divine directions given from the Father. Receive with gladness my children, saith the Lord. Hence the need for the purification of spirit. Hindereth not the process through rebellion. A spirit of blindness hath fallen upon the church in this season, saith the Lord. Annihilate the enemy and pull down strongholds hovering over the minds of the people in thy congregations. A 911 to heed my beconning call. Let not this demonic entity linger for it will cause havoc in thy ministries, saith the Lord. Pray, intercessors, pray. Seek me in Zephaniah 1:14, 15.
Telleth my people, to go back over thy notes and place prophecies together from What Thus Saith The Lord for yea, I wilt bring it to pass, teach this in thy ministries, says God. A time of cleansing, purify. Stay in a place of consecration for ye wilt heareth my voice, saith the Lord. I holdeth thee accountable my children, unto thy charge. Allow thy spirits to grow without hinderance. Stay atuned to thy own callings. Others hath thine own assignments. Specialty ministries are being birthed forth. Stayeth within thine own anointing, for nay, not one wilt be the same. Similar but with a specific divine purpose to be accomplished unto the Father. Look not upon that of another, saith the Lord. A new way of divine intervention the Father giveth unto my children to prosper through divine connections. Prophetic relationships and marriages are being formed and moveth by divine directions given from the Father. Receive with gladness my children, saith the Lord. Hence the need for the purification of spirit. Hindereth not the process through rebellion. A spirit of blindness hath fallen upon the church in this season, saith the Lord. Annihilate the enemy and pull down strongholds hovering over the minds of the people in thy congregations. A 911 to heed my beconning call. Let not this demonic entity linger for it will cause havoc in thy ministries, saith the Lord. Pray, intercessors, pray. Seek me in Zephaniah 1:14, 15.
12/6/10@5:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved.].
Telleth my people what the Father saith unto thee regarding the Jewish nation. A season of miracles shall be performed unto the personal lives of my people. I am moving in their behalf. Many years of uncertainty regarding their destiny. But I moveth in a season to provideth my people with divine wisdom from on high. It is the desire of the Father for ye not to be ignorant. As I poureth my spirit upon all flesh, prophetic wisdom will be revealed to many orthodoxed Rabbi's for yea, prophecy shall be fulfilled in the latter days. Many more Jewish leaders shall be converted to embrace New Testament teaching of the scriptures, saith the Lord. Seeth the miracles I shall perform upon my people. Knowest thou this, ye are loved unto the Father despite all opposition. I cometh a new way my children, saith the Lord. Negate not thy blessings through doubt and unbelief unto the Voice of the Lord. I have set watchmen over Israel. Knowest thou this, to keep thee in all thy ways unto the return of Messiach. The Angel of the Lord hath gone before thee. And yea, peace shall come, my children, saith the Lord. Cleanse thy middot by renewing of the mind. Embrace the Father whence ye heareth my beconning call. For yea, many shall heareth thy Father speaketh unto thee for I giveth new direction unto thee. And yea, mysteries shall begin to unfold, they will be no longer hidden causing blindness unto my people. New choices wilt have to be made. Woe unto those who embrace not the hand of the Father. Thy new teachings shall be made manifest within the temples, saith the Lord. I speakest unto the hearts of men. Ye shall see miracles performed unto the Jewish communities as unto the nations. Seek me in Isaiah 33 - for yea, desolation and deliverance wilt be mans portion throughout the lands. Doubt not my voice. I speakest unto thee in Psalm 145 - my nation Israel. Am I Not The God of thy forefathers Avraham, Yitzchak and Yacov? I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
Telleth my people what the Father saith unto thee regarding the Jewish nation. A season of miracles shall be performed unto the personal lives of my people. I am moving in their behalf. Many years of uncertainty regarding their destiny. But I moveth in a season to provideth my people with divine wisdom from on high. It is the desire of the Father for ye not to be ignorant. As I poureth my spirit upon all flesh, prophetic wisdom will be revealed to many orthodoxed Rabbi's for yea, prophecy shall be fulfilled in the latter days. Many more Jewish leaders shall be converted to embrace New Testament teaching of the scriptures, saith the Lord. Seeth the miracles I shall perform upon my people. Knowest thou this, ye are loved unto the Father despite all opposition. I cometh a new way my children, saith the Lord. Negate not thy blessings through doubt and unbelief unto the Voice of the Lord. I have set watchmen over Israel. Knowest thou this, to keep thee in all thy ways unto the return of Messiach. The Angel of the Lord hath gone before thee. And yea, peace shall come, my children, saith the Lord. Cleanse thy middot by renewing of the mind. Embrace the Father whence ye heareth my beconning call. For yea, many shall heareth thy Father speaketh unto thee for I giveth new direction unto thee. And yea, mysteries shall begin to unfold, they will be no longer hidden causing blindness unto my people. New choices wilt have to be made. Woe unto those who embrace not the hand of the Father. Thy new teachings shall be made manifest within the temples, saith the Lord. I speakest unto the hearts of men. Ye shall see miracles performed unto the Jewish communities as unto the nations. Seek me in Isaiah 33 - for yea, desolation and deliverance wilt be mans portion throughout the lands. Doubt not my voice. I speakest unto thee in Psalm 145 - my nation Israel. Am I Not The God of thy forefathers Avraham, Yitzchak and Yacov? I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
2/19/11@9:00pm - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved]
De'bora, telleth the prophets what the Father sayest unto thee. Many of ye hath become despondent through despair of not fulfilling thy goals in life through divine destiny. But heareth what the Father sayest unto thee today. The doors shall begin to swing open for thee regarding this matter, my children saith the Lord. Many of thee are behind schedule, not the will of the Lord but ye lack understanding of the nature of thy calling. New ministers of purity I develop and yea, they shall come forth through the portals of glory not many days hence, saith the Lord. Divine assignments and divine appointments are upon thee for ye shall receive divine wisdom from thy heavenly Father what directions to go into. For yea, I am birthing ministries. Ye hath 30 days to seeketh the Father in prayer. At the end of 30 days, a blessing and impartation cometh unto thee for all who obey and seeketh the Lord. No form or fashion. I wilt honor through thy obedience. This serves as thy porthole of entry into thy new place unto the Father. There shall be a shift in the spirit to manifest in thy lives in the natural, saith the Lord. A supernatural feat for I moveth unto many of thee quickly. Ye shall be blessed beyond measure for yea, the time hath come to overtake the lands. Be ye steadfast, unmoveable, strong and courageous in this season and yea, ye shall see change. No more delay for I openeth a pathway unto my people, saith the Lord. Whence the Father speaketh unto thee, write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time. I am making changes, saith the Lord in my kingdom. Divine wisdom shall leadeth thee in right paths whence thou goest, thy steps shall not be straitened; and when thou runnest, thou shalt not stumble. Come unto the Father with a ferverency. Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. Knowest thou this, the Father lovest thee. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
De'bora, telleth the prophets what the Father sayest unto thee. Many of ye hath become despondent through despair of not fulfilling thy goals in life through divine destiny. But heareth what the Father sayest unto thee today. The doors shall begin to swing open for thee regarding this matter, my children saith the Lord. Many of thee are behind schedule, not the will of the Lord but ye lack understanding of the nature of thy calling. New ministers of purity I develop and yea, they shall come forth through the portals of glory not many days hence, saith the Lord. Divine assignments and divine appointments are upon thee for ye shall receive divine wisdom from thy heavenly Father what directions to go into. For yea, I am birthing ministries. Ye hath 30 days to seeketh the Father in prayer. At the end of 30 days, a blessing and impartation cometh unto thee for all who obey and seeketh the Lord. No form or fashion. I wilt honor through thy obedience. This serves as thy porthole of entry into thy new place unto the Father. There shall be a shift in the spirit to manifest in thy lives in the natural, saith the Lord. A supernatural feat for I moveth unto many of thee quickly. Ye shall be blessed beyond measure for yea, the time hath come to overtake the lands. Be ye steadfast, unmoveable, strong and courageous in this season and yea, ye shall see change. No more delay for I openeth a pathway unto my people, saith the Lord. Whence the Father speaketh unto thee, write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time. I am making changes, saith the Lord in my kingdom. Divine wisdom shall leadeth thee in right paths whence thou goest, thy steps shall not be straitened; and when thou runnest, thou shalt not stumble. Come unto the Father with a ferverency. Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. Knowest thou this, the Father lovest thee. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
2/10/11@5:00 am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved.]
The land is rich, the soil is fertile. Come unto me my children, saith the Lord. Many blessings I come to bestow upon thee. Seek me in prayer. Divine wisdom cometh from on high. Relinquish thy hearts unto the Father. Heed my beconning call. There is a 911 in the spirit to establish order in all aspects of thine lives, saith the Lord for the enemy is near. Plan a strategy and stay in prayer. Serves as a protective hedge against the wiles of the evil one. No more delay, move with a quickness in all that ye do. I wilt shower down the blessings upon the lands as ye obey unto the Father. Many shall flourish in this season. Ye shall see many arise from a place of obscurity unto the forefront as ordained by the Father. I cometh a new way. Look not upon that of the old. Ye art in a new season and a new time zone, saith the Lord. Take not thine old habits, wisdom and ways of doing things in the past. Empty out, so that I may filleth thee according to thine own personal destiny. Not to duplicate that of another. For each hath thine own personal destiny to fulfill unto the Lord. Rush not in this hour. Bask in my presence and delve into the depths of my word. For I revealeth unto my children mysteries and secrets of the gospel, treasures of darkness for he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Lord thy God. For yea, as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. I Beseech The Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
The land is rich, the soil is fertile. Come unto me my children, saith the Lord. Many blessings I come to bestow upon thee. Seek me in prayer. Divine wisdom cometh from on high. Relinquish thy hearts unto the Father. Heed my beconning call. There is a 911 in the spirit to establish order in all aspects of thine lives, saith the Lord for the enemy is near. Plan a strategy and stay in prayer. Serves as a protective hedge against the wiles of the evil one. No more delay, move with a quickness in all that ye do. I wilt shower down the blessings upon the lands as ye obey unto the Father. Many shall flourish in this season. Ye shall see many arise from a place of obscurity unto the forefront as ordained by the Father. I cometh a new way. Look not upon that of the old. Ye art in a new season and a new time zone, saith the Lord. Take not thine old habits, wisdom and ways of doing things in the past. Empty out, so that I may filleth thee according to thine own personal destiny. Not to duplicate that of another. For each hath thine own personal destiny to fulfill unto the Lord. Rush not in this hour. Bask in my presence and delve into the depths of my word. For I revealeth unto my children mysteries and secrets of the gospel, treasures of darkness for he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Lord thy God. For yea, as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. I Beseech The Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.
PODCAST # 22 (Part I)
9/15/10@2:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved]
The children were playing and running around the neighborhood. They knew the sky was getting dark but they were unable to see the approaching oncoming danger of the clouds in the sky.
The mother, who was frying chicken in the kitchen for eyeryone to eat, {preparing for the storm is in my spirit} but the woman did not know the storm was coming or her fate. They were at a distance but I could not see them.
The man was crying because he had raised his kids in the house, the fire was progressing and he knew they were all going to die.
De'bora, told the man in comfort, as if he were her Father, there is nothing you can do. You have done all you can do.
De'bora, was warned that the danger was coming. What was she going to do is in my spirit.
The clouds were coming. Big, thick clouds filled with smoke and ash. Covering and consuming the sky. Hovering, over-coming the blue {with an urgency is in my spirit}. Woke up feeling anxious and afraid.
[The last urgency vision / dream of this magnitude was two hours before 911].
9/15/10@5:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2001 by Deborah Freeland. All Rights Reserved]
PODCAST # 22 (Part II)
De'bora, the Father speakest unto thee. So many like unto that family are going to die in this season unbeknown to man. For the judgment hast come. The accuser, the adversary, roameth the earth, and yea, seeking whom he may devour. Pray my daughter, Pray for the nations. Travail when ye are able. Pray for salvation for the nations, countries all over the world. Many families will be destroyed suddenly. Pray for thy family, De'bora. They are not exempt for many hath gone astray, not believing there is a God. Pray for salvation all over the world. An urgency in the spirit. Share this message, saith the Lord.
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