Monday, April 20, 2009

4/15/09 @ 3:00 am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle De'bora To The Nations


I am moving to raise up my prophets, saith the Lord. Come my children unto the Lord. For yea, the Father giveth unto thee refuge and peace. Organize thy personal lives. The restoration of the family is in order. Many marriages will be performed over the next year. Prophetic marriages shall be established to build my kingdom and yea, they shall pattern through true love as my spirit poureth out love upon all flesh. Be aware my children, many demonic forces hath been released into the earthly rhelm to distract thee from holliness and righteousness as unto the Father. Be ye unmoveable. Doth not my word say, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. Cry out unto the Father in thy time of need. I heareth thy voice and respondeth quickly. Trust me my children. And yea, learneth how to worship unto the Father. The season hath changed. Obedience unto the Lord for I shieldeth thee from the adversary. Beware of doubt and unbelief, many subtle ways unto the wiles of the enemy. Receive not that which art not holy. Teach this in thy ministries, saith the Lord. Learn to rely unto the Father from whence the voice of the Lord speaketh unto thee. The winds for change move upon the lands. Devastations shall come unto Atlanta, Georgia, Germany and the United States. Man will begin to seek unto the Father for refuge and peace for the wisdom of man faileth without the Father. Many will begin to seek out a divine connection. As ye seek, I will provide wisdom. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.

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