Thursday, March 6, 2014


3/2/14 @ 12:00MN - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered By D'vorah To The Nations [Copyright 2014 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved} Manycountries face major disasters. The Father asketh unto the rich and famous to donate aide. Come together as one by pooling finances and resources together. Squander not money in this season for yea, finances shall become a commodity very shortly. Shorter than ye think. Finances of man will faceth many problems. Protect thy investments my children, koh amar YHVH (saith the Lord). A new direction, the economic economy shall take a turn. Be ye not afraid. For those who hath heeded my beconning call shall fair in times of darkness. Governmental structures are about to decline overnight. Beware, a warning unto the nations....PREPARE PROPERLY! I wilt sustaineth my children, koh amar YHVH (saith the Lord). Seek me in Psalm (Tehillim) 46. A new direction, a new turn, a path unbeknown unto man but yea, revealed by the Father. A season of transformation as I sendeth my servants near and far to bring wisdom and inform the people of new beginnings. Become as little children in preparation for the Messianic Age. I am bringing people together from all walks of life. The impossible for man becometh an undefeatable feat unto the Father. If ye useth the intellect of man, ye wilt falter, If ye art led by the outpouring of my spirit, ye wilt progress. Pray for the nations to become one Seek me in Ezekiel 37:22. A supernatural season. And yea, I giveth blessings unto my children.

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