8/8/13@12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by D'vorah [Copyright 2013 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]
Take this time very seriously my children, Koh amar YHVH (saith the Lord, for whence ye heaareth the voice of the Lord, hear and obey. Be ye not dismayed. A season of empowerment for the church and for many personally. I cometh a new way upon my people across the lands. But knowest thou this, all for divine purpose. Man believerh in unfathonable things unto his daily lives and activities.
Believeth now, the voice of the Lord. Wisdom speaks. Follow the ancient paths for it wilt leadeth thee unto the path of righteousness during this moedim (season) of change. Many believeth unto the Father and nay many believeth not. Seek me in prayer and fasting for I wilt confirm unto thee yea or nay. Much wisdom the Father desires to bestow upon my people, and oh, what a delight, for yea, ye shall see my glory moveth upon the nations.
Ethnic cultures and religious denominations shall come together and pray. A supernatural feat I bestoweth upon man. For every act of division, ye wilt also seeth unity. Empower thyselves, my children, through my heavenly hosts. The Spirit of Divine Intervention prevails. Useth the tools the Father giveth unto thee wisely. I am near, fear ye not. But ye must read unto scripture to receive the fullnes thereof. When in doubt what the Father is saying unto thee, fast and pray. I wilt reveal knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. An intimate place I calleth unto mankind. No more dormency is pleasing unto the eyes of the Father. For I judgeth righteousness vs unrighteousness, clean vs unclean. I seeketh holliness unto the Lord.
Fortify thyselves unto purity of intent. The Father judgeth thy motives. Purity of the heart is desirable even if ye hath been in error my children, come to me. For the Father embraceth thee with loving arms. A divine calling, knowest not unto man. Let not thy cognitive thought processing deceiveth thee. Seek me, my children and I wilt confirm yea, or nay the desires of my heart.
Prostrate thyselves in my presence, heed my call. An appointed time unto many as the Father leadeth thee. Seek me in Matthew 7:7
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