Monday, August 19, 2013
7/13/13@5:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by D'vorah To The Nations [Copyright 2013 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]
I have called you forth my children in this hour for my divine purpose. Let not time pass you by. Victory is thy portion. I giveth thee peace. A pure anointing I poureth upon thee my children, saith the Lord. Stand up and be counted among my warriors. Be ye not afraid, for the Father is with thee. I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. A mighty army I seek to fortify but man falleth behind.
I am testing, my children, thy ability to adjust to problematic situations. There is a Divine Purpose. I stirreth up opposition to delivereth my people of character not pleasing unto the Father. Judgeth thy own response to situations according to the Fathers standards and ye wilt see many areas that needeth correction on thy behalf.
Whence people come to thee with their problems, ask if they have not seen results, "What is the Father trying to break within thee, upon thine own self? Search! This is the moedim (season).
Man searchest for solutions to the problems they art surmounted by in life. Let them search within themselves to findeth what negative character trait is attracting and attached to their problems. Once this is done they wilt see a pattern for man reapeth what is sown in life. Many years of the same problems. And yea, many years of the same character.
I am not a genie god, I am the living God, creator of all mankind and things placed upon the earth. Be ye not frivolous within thy approach unto the Father. For this is the moedim (season) where I judgeth unto the heart of man. Search thy motive before ye ask for thy petitions. Upon thy search, ye wilt findeth - many petitions needeth to be recided for thy motives whereon ye approacheth the Father are not pure. The Father discerneth the pure intent of the heart.
Telleth my people to slow down and spend time prostrated before me and yea, I wilt honor. A season for change, moving in accordance with my desire for thee as a bride to be without spot or wrinkle. The key to understanding my children, is to purify thy soul without spot or wrinkle. If ye repent and come to me, I wilt performeth the miracles ye desire.
I giveth unto each of my children, individually, a personal prescription of what temperament of character is not pleasing unto the Father. But ye must first come into my presence. The Ruach HaKodesh moveth in thy behalf. Fast and pray. Spend time with me. Ye will be facinated upon the results.
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