Thursday, September 26, 2013


9/16/13@12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by D'vorah To The Nations [Copyright 2013 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved] D'vorah, A Great Falling Away shall occur in the church. Unbeknown to man. Pray for the people to be able to meet their needs. All of creation wilt come to realize the need to relieth upon the Father. A due process. Many shall squander and yea, many shall be at peace. But knowest thou this, my love shall prevail. I welcome my children one by one with open arms. As each comes in obedience to my beconning call, telleth my people, be ye not selfish, pray for another who hath not come into the fold. I watchest the heart of man unto another. There shall be many uprisings. Trucks containing nuclear chemicals are passed through the lands at night unawares. Many lands wilt become volatile as man seeks control of territory. Pray! Telleth my people to seek me in 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Zechariah 14. Look up for thy redemption draweth nigh. Luke 21:28 - When these things start to happen stand up and hold your heads high; because you are about to be liberated. Just follow instructions - too much cognitive thought processing. Move by my spirit. For nay, unto this process ye wilt not understand. TO BE CONTINUED, ON THE ROAD, CANNOT POST ALL RIGHT NOW.

Monday, August 19, 2013


7/13/13@5:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by D'vorah To The Nations [Copyright 2013 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved] I have called you forth my children in this hour for my divine purpose. Let not time pass you by. Victory is thy portion. I giveth thee peace. A pure anointing I poureth upon thee my children, saith the Lord. Stand up and be counted among my warriors. Be ye not afraid, for the Father is with thee. I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. A mighty army I seek to fortify but man falleth behind. I am testing, my children, thy ability to adjust to problematic situations. There is a Divine Purpose. I stirreth up opposition to delivereth my people of character not pleasing unto the Father. Judgeth thy own response to situations according to the Fathers standards and ye wilt see many areas that needeth correction on thy behalf. Whence people come to thee with their problems, ask if they have not seen results, "What is the Father trying to break within thee, upon thine own self? Search! This is the moedim (season). Man searchest for solutions to the problems they art surmounted by in life. Let them search within themselves to findeth what negative character trait is attracting and attached to their problems. Once this is done they wilt see a pattern for man reapeth what is sown in life. Many years of the same problems. And yea, many years of the same character. I am not a genie god, I am the living God, creator of all mankind and things placed upon the earth. Be ye not frivolous within thy approach unto the Father. For this is the moedim (season) where I judgeth unto the heart of man. Search thy motive before ye ask for thy petitions. Upon thy search, ye wilt findeth - many petitions needeth to be recided for thy motives whereon ye approacheth the Father are not pure. The Father discerneth the pure intent of the heart. Telleth my people to slow down and spend time prostrated before me and yea, I wilt honor. A season for change, moving in accordance with my desire for thee as a bride to be without spot or wrinkle. The key to understanding my children, is to purify thy soul without spot or wrinkle. If ye repent and come to me, I wilt performeth the miracles ye desire. I giveth unto each of my children, individually, a personal prescription of what temperament of character is not pleasing unto the Father. But ye must first come into my presence. The Ruach HaKodesh moveth in thy behalf. Fast and pray. Spend time with me. Ye will be facinated upon the results.


8/8/13@12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by D'vorah [Copyright 2013 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved] Take this time very seriously my children, Koh amar YHVH (saith the Lord, for whence ye heaareth the voice of the Lord, hear and obey. Be ye not dismayed. A season of empowerment for the church and for many personally. I cometh a new way upon my people across the lands. But knowest thou this, all for divine purpose. Man believerh in unfathonable things unto his daily lives and activities. Believeth now, the voice of the Lord. Wisdom speaks. Follow the ancient paths for it wilt leadeth thee unto the path of righteousness during this moedim (season) of change. Many believeth unto the Father and nay many believeth not. Seek me in prayer and fasting for I wilt confirm unto thee yea or nay. Much wisdom the Father desires to bestow upon my people, and oh, what a delight, for yea, ye shall see my glory moveth upon the nations. Ethnic cultures and religious denominations shall come together and pray. A supernatural feat I bestoweth upon man. For every act of division, ye wilt also seeth unity. Empower thyselves, my children, through my heavenly hosts. The Spirit of Divine Intervention prevails. Useth the tools the Father giveth unto thee wisely. I am near, fear ye not. But ye must read unto scripture to receive the fullnes thereof. When in doubt what the Father is saying unto thee, fast and pray. I wilt reveal knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. An intimate place I calleth unto mankind. No more dormency is pleasing unto the eyes of the Father. For I judgeth righteousness vs unrighteousness, clean vs unclean. I seeketh holliness unto the Lord. Fortify thyselves unto purity of intent. The Father judgeth thy motives. Purity of the heart is desirable even if ye hath been in error my children, come to me. For the Father embraceth thee with loving arms. A divine calling, knowest not unto man. Let not thy cognitive thought processing deceiveth thee. Seek me, my children and I wilt confirm yea, or nay the desires of my heart. Prostrate thyselves in my presence, heed my call. An appointed time unto many as the Father leadeth thee. Seek me in Matthew 7:7

Sunday, July 14, 2013


7/4/13 @ 5:00 am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by D'vorah To The Nations
 [Copyright 2013 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]

I am calling my people.  They art being marked to be elevated and translated in due season, not now.  The Father is releasing my people from years and years of bondage, and teaching how to worship Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Messiah.  A radical change for the church, but a necessary feat, saith the Lord.  Just tell my people, the shift is into a higher level of understanding.  It is done supernaturally once they say " yes, " in agreement to be changed.  Some wilt come and others nay.  I am calling my people.  I am moving in behalf of the church.  The anointing of Yeshua Ha Mashiach to be spread across the lands.  No longer the cross, The Star Of David.  I am labeling my people.  A necessary feat prior to the rapture.  A season of renewing, restoration and change unto peoples lives.  The results will occur instantaneously.  People need prayer for I bringeth opposition upon the lands.  Man knowest not what direction to go into.  Ye knowest not the plight of the people.  The Father knowest the plight of my people.  Many art in distress and seek refuge.  Ye knowest not but the Father knowest all things.I am saddened, pray for man to come unto enlightenment of truth.  I wilt bring the solution unto many.  Understand the magnitude of the season.  Without spot or wrinkle.  I am honoring confessions, saith the Lord.  Teach this in thy ministries.  Confession of sins makes one prepared to be without spot or wrinkle.  A time for my people to confess sins daily.  Send out the prophecies D'vorah, they make their own way.  The Father hath spoken, go in peace.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


5/30/13@ 5:00pm - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered By D'vorah To The Nations [Copyright 2013 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]

May you receive a blessing (brakhah)  and a fresh anointing for all who read this blog.

My humble apology to those of you who follow this blog for such a long delay in entry but it is not until now that I have been released to post updated revelation from the Lord, (Adonai).  I have been on an extended journey over the last few months which commenced in February with the Father (Abba).

 This journey included a physical transformation as I was sent me out of the country. I experienced a spiritual transformation which has opened my eyes to many new things. While undergoing physical therapy after an accident,  I was taken from glory to GLORY.

Thank you for your prayers, those of you who cover me by HIS grace and mercy. The Father (Abba) has blessed me with a name change and a release to share the revelation he has given me. Those of you who are intercessors, pray.  The Father will be attentive to pour out to those who will listen.

I thank the Father (Abba) for time spent in His presence.  I have been given several new mandates to accomplish over the next few months:

1. Revelation for the season (moedim) to share with the nations.
2. Teachings on the Hebraic root of Christianity.
3. Teachings on the Biblical Feast Days
4. To include (in parenthesis) the Hebrew translation for English words in all of my writings
5. Teachings on the Parashats (Weekly Portions of the Hebrew Scripture) in the Torah (Old Testament).

These teachings from a Hebrew perspective will bring the bible to life for the Christian believer.  I will post updates periodically.

I will present a series of teachings and I am also available for speaking engagements.  THIS IS THE TIME FOR EMPOWERMENT!  YOUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AS HE CALLS US TO A HIGHER LEVEL OF HOLINESS!!!

This blog will be under reconstruction over the next few months.   Thank you for your love, support, time and patience.


5/22/13@ 3:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by D'vorah To The Nations [Copyright 2013 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]

A radical change for unto this season.  I moveth upon the heart of man to bringeth forth change.  I come a new way unlike that of the past.  Many upheavels shall begin to cometh forth across the nations.  Stay in  scripture to shieldeth thee and thy families.  Pray, pray, pray, without ceasing, saith the Lord (koh amar YHVH).  Governmental structures  shall begin to decline.  As the enemy exposes the carnal nature of man.  Much property to be ceased by outside looters.  Leaders wilt be fighting for land.  Just pray my children, nothing ye can do....Prophecy must be fulfilled.  Protect thyselves through prayer.  The Father watches to seeth those who art in prayer.  Pray for global restoration.  Entire communities to be affected.

The Apostles hath all become weary in battle,  saith the Lord (koh amar YHVH).  Not the will of the Father, I need fortified workers.  Move quickly for the enemy planneth attacks.  There art Pastors that hath desire, but lack in some area of wisdom.  They hath not received acceptance of how my Spirit is moving.  There will be many more problems.  Encourage all to persevere through opposition.  Houses in arms way of the enemy wilt be destroyed.  Cherish not in material possessions.  People wilt ban together, even in living quarters to become one.  Lean not to thine own understanding.......To Be Continued.....

continued.........6/4/13 @ 5:43pm

Habakkuk (Havakuk) 2:2

Write down the vision clearly on tablets,
 so that even a runner can read it. 
 For the vision is meant for its appointed time; 
it speaks of the end, and it does not lie. 
 It may take a while, but wait for it; 
it will surely come, it will not delay.

I am commissioned now to share with as many people as possible what the Father (Abba)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     has revealed to me.  Joel 2: 28 and Acts 2:17 speak about a time and season (moedim) when the Spirit of God will be poured out upon all flesh.  What Abba is also including as part of this outpouring is the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the Hebraic foundation of Christianity.  This wisdom is a necessary part of the preparation for entry into the Heavenly Kingdom....(We are maximizing our Dominion on earth in preparation for Dominion in Heaven).  The church has to understand and teach about Jesus (Yeshua's) upbringing, lifestyle and culture as a Jewish person and as a Rabbi.  Yeshua was his name given at birth.

In order to completely understand the Books of Daniel, Revelation, Esther and other context of scripture we must know the hidden codes, mysteries / secrets of the scriptures.  This can only be obtained in depth from the wisdom that was given to the Jewish people by the Lord (Adonai).

The Hebrew scriptures or (Torah) and the Tenach (which includes the Books of Writings and Prophecy) are filled with rich history and deeper insight into the history and background of Yeshua (Jesus).  There is so much to learn.  The level of understanding will become so clear, because the history is so rich as one is drawn closer to the heart of God.  Consulting with a Messianic Rabbi who believes in Yeshua (Jesus),  would provide a good foundational basis to expound on the depths of scripture from a Hebraic context.  Believe me, this will be a life changing experience for you as the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) illuminates and the word expands in your spirit.  This study will also give clarity to many of the grey areas that we as Christians have pondered over for years.

Most churches are missing in these areas and this is a contributing factor to the apostasy that we are seeing in the congregations.  People are becoming dissatisfied with theatrics, mundane sermons etc. etc.  The Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) is pouring out its Spirit stirring within the soul, a hunger for more knowledge and wisdom.

Many Christians are feeling empty and unsatisfied.  If this pertains to your personal situation, NO you are not crazy!  There is more and God is preparing us for Kingdom living - Dominion on earth for Dominion in heaven.  The church has to prepare for the journey.

 Does studying Hebrew, the Judaic mindset and culture make one Jewish or a convert of Judiasm? No it does not. Think of it this way- getting to meet and learn about a distant relative or your discovering your families background.  That is all it is!  This is how the Lord (Adonai) is starting to bring His People back together, His Creation....Mankind....worshipping one God.  The Apostles had this same discussion in the Book of Acts 15, as they preached, "The Way." The question was addressed of how to bring these people together.

"Leaders" must first be able -  to receive and accept how the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) is moving and then, receive the changes by hearing and obeying. A reminder my friends, when the glory cloud moved on for the children of Israel, they had to pack up their belongings and move forward (Kadima!).  The message for the church today is Kadima, move forward.  Let us not be stagnant in a time zone where the Father (Abba) has already moved out of.

How God (Adonai) is moving is a life- changing event / process.  But I can tell you from my personal experience, that it is the "icing on the cake".  The 360 degree of the fullness of our Lord.  People will never be the same once tradition, doctrine, familiarity and custom is removed from the church services and the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) is allowed to have free rein without our agendas and time schedules.

For kingdom has no race, color or creed.  It is knowing HIM from the true essence of HIS GLORY.  You will never turn back once the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) opens the eye of your understanding, heart and soul.

Harden not your hearts, or you will miss God and the wonders he is doing all over the world.  This is bringing a radical change in the churches level of understanding.  But well worth it, when  you come to the next dimension of  "Truth." And yes, "There Is More".  Jews and Non-Jews are banning together all over the world under one Believers!

This has to be an individual journey before it can be a corporate accomplishment.  But the corporate, is the ultimate goal  of ADONAI.

Ask HIM to reveal to you personally, the changes that are being made.  For I know many are feeling empty, ambivalent and do not know what direction to turn in, including many Five-Fold Ministry leaders - Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers.  This is how His process starts.                                                                        

The Father is closing a chapter in the lives of His People and the structure of , "The Church,"  as we are  familiar with and  giving access to the door of His Heart.  It is time to relinquish our titles and come as little children, all over again,  into the Father's bosom.  He is waiting with open arms saying, "Come To Me All Ye Who Are Heavy Laden And I Will Give Thee Rest."

Adonai is also calling us to a higher level of holiness.  Leaders do not be afraid to humble yourselves.  Do not let pride keep you in the outer courts.  It is time to go in and get a true "New Refreshing" from the Lord's presence, spoken of in Acts 3: 19.

I had reached that place of emptiness that place of...."there has to be more", so I asked the Lord and he opened the doors.  To receive this outpouring, you will have to become humble and submissive just like a child. Become a student all over again.  The change is shifting us outside of what we have been use to doing.   Otherwise we become as the foolish virgins who had no oil in their lamps and were not prepared properly.

Yeshua, in his 2nd coming will come as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  He is not coming the 2nd time as a suffering servant.  The Jewish people will recognize him as Yeshua HaMashiach,  their Messiah, who was the Jesus, that died on the cross.  The Christians will understand him as Jesus, the Messiah of the Jews) .  Therefore, all of mankind will come to realize who is the man called, "Jesus" and the man called, "Yeshua."  The realization will come that we are all one. WHAT A GLORIOUS DAY THAT WILL BE!!!

Remember as we all embark on this journey - "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done," in the Garden of Getsemane, was Yeshua's (Jesus) obedience to the Father.

Do not disappoint the Father (Abba) by being rebellious to His transitional commands.  He is waiting for you to conform and submit to His timing all over again, like little children.

Pioneering and breaking up fallow ground is not very popular because it goes against the norm.

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church in this season (moedim).  Not church as usual.

Scriptures - Ezekiel 5:5, Psalm 132:13-14, Isaiah 66:18-20, Ezekiel 48: 35, Isaiah 56:6-7

I am not writing for popularity, I am being obedient to my new assignment.  The Shofar has sounded and it is getting louder and louder.  Read Revelation 22 and ask for fresh rhema.  The Spirit and the Bride say, Come.  Hear the clarion call.....Because Of Love......D'vorah.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


2/25/13@3:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by D'vorah To The Nations [Copyright 2013by Deborah Freeland] [ All Rights Reserved]

Here lieth the beginning of many changes to cometh upon those called unto the Father into the Office of the Apostle.  And yea, gender mattereth not for thy DNA cometh from unto the Father, not from unto man.  I am moving across the nations to propelleth my people into another dimension of time.  A season of change hath come.  And yea, manifestations wilt begin to be made tangible within the earthly realm.  Many wilt heareth my voice but a new way.  Thy preparation of agreeing to be in my presence is key.  Those who hearest not the voice of the Father hath not prepared thyselves properly.  Seek unto the Father in prayer.  I wilt present unto many a transition upon thy life.  Hear and obey.  Come unto the Father.  Look not unto the process of another, saith the Lord for each instruction unto my people shall be different.  Follow not the pattern of another for yea, ye may error.  Knowest thou this,  all instruction given from the Father unto my people wilt not be the same.  I am thy shield and buckler, leaneth not unto thine own understanding.  If ye heareth not my voice, asketh thyself, "whose presence am I in"  for nay, thy presence is not unto the Lord.  A time of scrutiny, many more exposures to cometh forth.  Stay in prayer for I am exposint that which is corrupt.  I revealeth the darkness in hidden places.  Pray for the nations my children, a major season for change.  Many upheavals in government with firm foundations leading to convictions.  Peace be still for those who heareth the voice of the Lord.  The winds of my Spirit bringeth forth change.