Learn to come unto the Father in confidence with matters of the heart, my children, saith the Lord. Do not be afraid, nor become embarassed, a trick of the enemy to keep thee distant from unto the Father. The Father knowest all things but yea, I want my children to come unto me. Doth thy not want that for thine own earthly children? Teach this in thy ministries, saith the Lord. New doors are opening. Many of thee have endured tests and learning experiences ordained by the Father. For all who hath endured, ye shall begin to feel a new empowerment of authority. Minister with love, my children, saith the Lord. Move only according to my word in this season. The Father hath given unto thee grace. Move under the anointing for Holy Spirit is nigh unto thee to giveth thee help, my children, saith the Lord. I am breaking up fallow ground and rebuilding not just individual churches but yea, communities. I am raising up leaders who are not afraid of battle and going the distance. All acress the world, I come before great men, mighty men of valor, to lead my people out of bondage, but they lye as sleeping dogs, saith the Lord. Wherefore art thy Moses? says God. The people in the lands near and far, must wake up and heed my cry, saith the Father, else ye will see disasters for the lands have become polluted, says God. Nay, not of me. Wherefore art thou, my children? I have come for the seniors and yea, I will raise up Joshua's to sustain their ministries, saith the Lord. Yea De'bora, I am doing a new thing in the land. Within (3) weeks, there shall be a shaking and breaking of ministries, saith the Lord. New Pastors for I shall replace the old who are unproductive, saith the Lord. Tell my people, I am soon to come. Expect to receive a visitation as the Holy Spirit moves across the lands. Yea, some Pastors will stay and some will move away to far away lands, says God. This is the will of the Father. There shall be a movement of peace and love dispite turmoil, saith the Lord. Move by my Spirit and seek me in prayer, says God. A time for deeper intercession to see the will of the Father. Yea, I will come a new way. The young will begin to gather and
rally in unity and strength, no longer waiting for their forefathers, for I have given them boldness, saith the Lord. A time for rebuilding the temples - I am grouping by 3's and 5's, saith the Lord.
# 3 - Number of The Godhead, Divine Completeness of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit - 1 John 5: 6,7
#5 - The five wounds of Jesus on the cross, Grace (unmerited favor), Five Offerings, Atonement and Life - John 10:10
The Opposition - The five "I wills" of Satan - Isaiah 14: 13, 14
And yea, many of thee my children, are feeling stagnant and despondent but ye shall see change within (2) weeks, saith the Lord.
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