Friday, December 19, 2008

12/16/08 @ 9:00 am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Prophetess De'bora

A mass Exodus shall occur, a coming out from the wages of sin. dothe not my word say, the wages of sin is death....but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, saith the Lord. And yea, truth shall prevail, my children in all things and in all areas of thy lives. Teach, for my people lack the wisdom, knowledge and understanding for sustenance of character. And yea, a new season in the development of character as unto the Lord. Many are not pleasing in the eyes of the Father. wherefore art thy teachings in thy ministries unto the Roman Road of Salvation, for many hath gone astray. Feed my sheep, truth, saith the Lord, whether they will hear, or forbeareth the will of the Father. Be ye not afraid, It Is I Thus Saith the Lord.

12/15/08 @ 5:00 am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Prophetess De'bora


I waiteth upon my people. Yea, many remain slothful. not the will of the Father. Tell them to move with a quickness De'bora, saith the Lord. Man will come to understand and obey the ways of the Lord. For the planet earth belongeth unto me. It is part of my creation, saith the Lord. Ye shall see, through the devastations throughout the lands, the power and authority of the Lord thy God upon all flesh, saith the Lord. The New Year bringeth an abundance of joy and prosperity. Tell my people, and yea, it shall come to pass. Man shall see the glory of the Lord. Keep thyselves pure. Many souls shall come through this anointing. Gross misfortunes for those who obeyeth not the commands of thy Father. The love of the Father cometh unto thee in many forms, through nurturing and through opposition as I have taught unto thee in the past. For the heart of man hath waxed cold. I bringeth in unto me, my sheep, for yea, they hath gone astray. But yea, the Father bringeth nurturing and healing upon the lands through love. Man looketh not upon thy Father which art in heaven as an extension unto thyself. Therefore he misseth and rejecteth the universiality of my Spirit, saith the Lord. But yea, my children,, this New Year bringeth clarity unto all. A balance shall come unto many lives of my people. And yea, unrest unto others. A year of change and transition in finances, saith the Lord, needed for the rebuilding blocks of life upon the earth near and far. I am opening doors of opportunity, walk diligently to accomplish the assignments the Father giveth unto thee. Seek me in prayer. Ye shall receive wisdom through prayer and time spent unto the Father. I cometh a new way. Many heads of state shall receive their divine callings as unto the Lord. A changing of the guards unto leadership for I am not pleased with the decisions of man, saith the Lord. Many secret meetings that divideth a kingdom held behind closed doors. But yea, knowest the Father seeth all things. Be careful. Beware, for the judgment of God is upon thee, all ye Heads of State, throughout the lands. Repent, for wickedness shall not prevail. A time of being attentive unto thy health, my children, saith the Lord. Many premature deaths, for ye followeth not the universal principals according to thy health. This New Year, seek me in prayer and worship, no form or fashion. For all who obey, ye shall receive confirmation of what the Father, saith unto thee. Nations shall come together by pooling in resources, saith the Lord to aid one another. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.


Thank you, for whoever is visiting this blog to see what the Lord is saying to us in this season. This is such a wonderful time for all those who embrace the will of God at this time. These messages are for the Christians and Non- Christians as well. WHY? .....Because the world needs to know that God is not pleased with how HIS creation...MAN..... is living in the world. There is too much corruption and HE, GOD, THE CREATOR OF MAN, will be making some changes in the lives of the people who HE created, until MAN understands that our lives do not belong to us, but they belong to GOD.

I am just one of the people who GOD is using as HIS messenger to share HIS DESIRES and WARNINGS of what HE plans to do in the near future, that will affect people all around the world.

No, this is not the end of the world or anything like that. This is the beginning of events that will take place because God is not pleased with the man / woman that HE has created. HE LOVES US EVER SO MUCH......BUT....HE does not love the SINFUL state that MAN is living in and how WICKED AGAINST EACH OTHER, MAN has become.




The BIBLE STATES IN - 2 Chronicles 7:14

If my people, (the creation of man), which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

THESE ARE THE ONLY CONDITIONS, GOD IS GIVING US...... TO TURN FROM OUR WICKED AND SINFUL WAYS.......FOR ALL OF THE LANDS IN THE EARTH TO BE HEALED...... My question to you, the reader today....................................

Where Do YOU Stand???

The Lord bless you, and keep you,
The Lord make his face shine upon you
And be gracious unto you.
The Lord lift up his countenance on you
And give you peace

Father, in the name of Jesus, fulfill the words of the blessing upon the lives of your people, God Bless.....De'bora

If you are in need of prayer or want to respond to the blog, please send me an e-mail at:

If you need a church home to go to, we would be happy to have you come and join us at:

106-38 150th Street and South Road (1 block from Supthin Boulevard)
Jamaica, NY 11435

323-272-2456 (35cents for the call)


SUNDAY......................................................Intercessory Prayer & Worship begins........8:00 am

TUESDAY....................................................Bible Study & Teaching on Holy Spirit.........7:00 pm
(Call for location)

WEDNESDAY..............................................Computers In Missions & Evangelism.........8:00 pm

LOCATION: with Preceptor, Elder Anthony Atherley - sponsored by Chosen Vessels Bible Institute, 124-30 Rockaway Boulevard, (across from the Carwash), South Ozone Park, NY 11420. - Dr. Kathleen Bush, Pastor (Expand your ministry via internet).

THURSDAY.................................................School of the Prophets & Five Fold Ministry..7:00pm

with Dean and Preceptor, De'borah - LOCATION: House of Prayer For All Nations - 221 Mother Gaston Boulevard & Dean Street, Brooklyn, NY (make the first left after going over the overpass by Pennsylvania and Atlantic Avenues, then make another left onto Dean Street, Go to the end of the block and park). Across the street from Family Dollar.

FRIDAY........................................................Call for address of Service

DAILY - WE HAVE A (4:30 - 5:30 OR 6:00 AM) (PRAYER LINE THAT WE WILL OPEN UP TO OTHERS AFTER JANUARY 1, 2009. (the end time depends on the move of Holy Spirit).

Again, thank you for reading the blogg, Have A Blessed Day!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

@ 5:00am - Divine Revelation From The throne - Delivered by Prophetess De'bora To The Nations

It is coming my children, saith the Lord. Devastations throughout the lands. I am purging and wiping away the dross not needed in my kingdom, saith the Lord. The truth shall prevail. Knowest thou this, new countries on the way of the axe of deliverance, my children, saith the Lord. EUROPE, ENGLAND, POLAND, saith the Lord. Pray intercessors, pray. My people shall seek refudge. Pray for the development of new beginnings in the lives of my people. A new world order shall come. Prepare ye the way in a state of purity and pureness in all areas of thy lives. Thy Holy Spirit will help thee. Knock on his door for yea, it is open. A season of change and turnarounds in the lives of my children near and far who obey what Thus Saith The Lord. Let the life of Christ be upon thy minds night and day. The enemy cannot hurt thee in this place for yea it is ordained and secured by the Father. Organization of thy lives is needed in all areas. Truth prevails. Read my word daily. Let not one day passeth thee. A necessary feat to secure thy covering. Thy blessings through obedience shall be many. Multiplication and increase shall be thy portion my children for all who say yea, unto the Father. Go in thy peace. Be ye not afraid, It Is I Thus Saith The Lord for yea, there shall be comfort in the midst of dismay. Praise me daughter for thy blessings. Tell my people to praise me as unto the Song of Moses and the children of Israel. Seek me in Exodus 15 - for yea, each one will receive thine own revelation of victory unto the Father in thy lives, saith the Lord. Change thy mindsets, saith the Lord unto following my ways as stated in the bible. Ye will need this hedge of protection around thee for wisdom and understanding my children, saith the Lord. Ye have to know how to respond to the timing and season of the Father. Man needeth accoutrements from whence to believe. And yea, I will honor. Believeth upon the Father, saith the Lord. For this is yet the beginning.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

11/28/08 - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Prophetess De'bora To The Nations

Learn to come unto the Father in confidence with matters of the heart, my children, saith the Lord. Do not be afraid, nor become embarassed, a trick of the enemy to keep thee distant from unto the Father. The Father knowest all things but yea, I want my children to come unto me. Doth thy not want that for thine own earthly children? Teach this in thy ministries, saith the Lord. New doors are opening. Many of thee have endured tests and learning experiences ordained by the Father. For all who hath endured, ye shall begin to feel a new empowerment of authority. Minister with love, my children, saith the Lord. Move only according to my word in this season. The Father hath given unto thee grace. Move under the anointing for Holy Spirit is nigh unto thee to giveth thee help, my children, saith the Lord. I am breaking up fallow ground and rebuilding not just individual churches but yea, communities. I am raising up leaders who are not afraid of battle and going the distance. All acress the world, I come before great men, mighty men of valor, to lead my people out of bondage, but they lye as sleeping dogs, saith the Lord. Wherefore art thy Moses? says God. The people in the lands near and far, must wake up and heed my cry, saith the Father, else ye will see disasters for the lands have become polluted, says God. Nay, not of me. Wherefore art thou, my children? I have come for the seniors and yea, I will raise up Joshua's to sustain their ministries, saith the Lord. Yea De'bora, I am doing a new thing in the land. Within (3) weeks, there shall be a shaking and breaking of ministries, saith the Lord. New Pastors for I shall replace the old who are unproductive, saith the Lord. Tell my people, I am soon to come. Expect to receive a visitation as the Holy Spirit moves across the lands. Yea, some Pastors will stay and some will move away to far away lands, says God. This is the will of the Father. There shall be a movement of peace and love dispite turmoil, saith the Lord. Move by my Spirit and seek me in prayer, says God. A time for deeper intercession to see the will of the Father. Yea, I will come a new way. The young will begin to gather and
rally in unity and strength, no longer waiting for their forefathers, for I have given them boldness, saith the Lord. A time for rebuilding the temples - I am grouping by 3's and 5's, saith the Lord.
# 3 - Number of The Godhead, Divine Completeness of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit - 1 John 5: 6,7
#5 - The five wounds of Jesus on the cross, Grace (unmerited favor), Five Offerings, Atonement and Life - John 10:10
The Opposition - The five "I wills" of Satan - Isaiah 14: 13, 14
And yea, many of thee my children, are feeling stagnant and despondent but ye shall see change within (2) weeks, saith the Lord.

12/8/08 - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Prophetess De'bora To The Nations


For The Women:

Keep thyselves pretty, saith the Lord. For thy husbands are soon to come. Not now, but preparation is the key to victory. Teach this in thy sermons. Seek me in Esther, saith the Lord.

For The Nations:

I giveth unto thee, new countries today, South America and North America. Ye shall see devastations throughout the world. I am moving quite rapidly. Be ye not afraid to send out my prophecies for they shall come to pass.

I am breaking down the barriers in the lives of my people. Many interacial marriages shall come forth. Too many ethnic groups coming against one another, I am not pleased, saith the Lord. I made man not for opposition and strife, says God. And it shall come to pass, unity despite opposition in the lives of my people, saith the Lord.