Monday, January 18, 2016


12/28/15 @ 12:00 mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Devorah To The Nations [Copyright 2015 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]


Telleth my people the plan of the enemy is to eradicate the earths population through sickness and disease.  For man seeketh only an attack from the adversary through brut force and aggression to take the focus off of the major plan of attack through sickness and airborne disease.

Waves are moving, very subtle, come unto me.  Another debilitating shift will take place very soon, Koh Amar YHVH (saith the Lord).  Transformations will occur in waves until complete bondage has occurred.  The plan of the enemy.  Stay in my presence.  Stay in my word.  WAVES...ARE... COMING!

 Seek me in (D'varim) Deuteronomy 28:22, Tehillim (Psalms) 106:10 -13, Tehillim (Psalms) 94: 12, 13, 14 and Mishlei (Proverbs) 8.

People of God, heed the word of the Lord.  There is a major transformation taking place spiritually.  There are subtle waves of bondage coming forth.  And it is so subtle that it appears not to be occuring.  But Abba (Our Father), is so loving that he is giving us warning that the plan of the enemy is in progress.  It is in operation.  the spirit of deception brings the blindness.

If you are experiencing unusual fatigue, problems with your legs or unusual aches and pains within your body.  Know that the enemy is near.  Do not succomb.  Push past what you are feeling physically.  A healthy diet is the key.  Cultural diets that are not healthy will serve as a health hazard for you in this season.  We must know and be able to shift to be in agreement with the timing and season of God.

He prepares us before any adversity.  Get plenty of rest through relaxation, and adequate sleeping patterns.  This is not a season to be in overdrive and burnout.  A trick of the enemy to serve as a catalyst for sickness and disese.  Those of you who indulge in vices - time to give it up and change your lifestyle.  For in this moedim (season) you will reap what you sow.  If you are doing things and indulging in an unhealthy lifestyle, then you become a prime candidate for demonic influence to come against you.

If you heed the Fathers warnings then Abba is obligated through your obedience to keep a hedge of protection around you.  Obedience is better than sacrifice.  Do not compromise or be double-minded.   Either you hear what the spirit of the Lord is saying or you will suffer the consequences.  There is no mid point.  This is not a doom and gloom message.  It is a warning of preparation for what lies ahead.  Joseph had a dream for 7 years of plenty to prepare for 7 years of famine and through Gods warning he was able to prosper and help others when the famine came.

The pendulum is swinging.  For those who hear the voice of the Lord and obey, the results will be like the children of Israel in the land of Goshen, when the plagues came upon Pharoah.  Re-read Shemot (Exodus) chapters 1 - 11 and know that victory will be your portion.

This is a season to move in the righteousness of the Father by "doing the right thing" in every circumstance.  Some people may have to reassess their values and where they place their priorities.  Abba (our Father) is speaking and He is moving .  Know that delayed obedience is dis-obedience in disguise.  A trick of the enemy to reap havoc and destruction over your life.

Some people may have to separate and come out of comfort zones with what is familiar to us.  Remember this is a season of moving in a direction according to, "The Fathers" standards, not our own.  When in doubt, fast and pray.  Read the word and know that the shift that needs to take place is from a Hebraic perspective.

For those of you who choose not to embrace deeper wisdom and knowledge of the Father will not see the same results of those who do.

Abba, (our Father, has to feed his children from another level of understanding.  There is more wisdom, knowledge and council to be obtained from the Father.  This is a season of love (chessed), unity (echad) and family (mispatim) and relationships.  We must pray for one another despite our differences in culture, ethnicity , geographic locations, sexual preferences, educational backgrounds, socio-economic status, etc.

Read Tehillim (Psalms) 139 with emphasis on vs 23.  This is a season for searching your heart.  Allow the Father to process you.  He will place within your spirit a sense of peace.  "Thy Kingdom Cone, Thy Will Be Done, On Earth As It Is In heaven."  See the neon signs of heaven and align yourself properly.  No, this is not the end of the world, but there is a heavenly transformation taking place.

If you "choose" not to seek the heart of the Father regarding the transformation, the hedge of protection will not be the same, for you will have allowed " a breach instead of a " breakthrough."  But, the choice is yours.  Abba is waiting for you with open arms.  His sheep will hear His Voice.  He is a loving Father and always gives us adequate time to shield ourselves from the onslaught of any adversity.  Think of this message as the umbrella that will shield you from the rain.  Prayer and fasting is key.

Blessings and Love, Devorah