Thursday, September 27, 2012


9/19/12@ 12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by De'bora To The Nations [Copyright (c) 2012 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved}

There wilt be a national crisis announced over the news regarding the state of the economy, saith the Lord.  Devastations shall erupt across the lands, including the U.S.  A national panic to take place and occur.  Many choices for survival will have to be made my children, saith the Lord.  Take heed to my warnings and stay prayerful and in my presence for I leadeth and guideth thee into all truth.

War shall consume many other countries.  Devastations to occur within the following countries - Brazil, Madagascar, Italy and Russia.  

Listen to the voice of my prophets across the lands.  And yea, many are sleeping or lying dormant not pleasing unto the Father.  I sayeth unto thee, WAKE-UP  for many changes to be made manifest across the nations are at hand.  The Lord leadeth and guideth thee, knowest thou this.  Not soon to come.

Hear what the Spirit sayest unto the church - People will be running to the hills to escape national disasters.  Many more earth quakes to come as the trembling of the core of the earth ruptures.  It is the core of the matter, the root that purges all unwanted impurities, saith the Lord.  Pollution can no longer goeth on.  There is no more room within the core of the earth.

Many damnations to follow as I purge and cleanse unwanted fecal matter within the soul of man.  I am cleansing throughout, saith the Lord.

Send my prophecies out.  Keep them not unto thyselves.  I maketh my people aware.  But nay, not the end of the world.  A time of warning and preparation for established security.  The eyes of the Father roameth to and fro upon the earth.  I seeketh those who art mine.  Decisions need to be made regarding lifesyles and mindsets.  Set thy hearts my children, upon things above for yea, there shall be change.  Be ye not adamant of living in the past for the Father hath moved steps beyond the past into the future promises of man.  Come higher to seeketh wisdom for all ye who labor for the Father, I giveth unto thee rest.  Arise, Arise, Awake, Awake.  There is no one that needeth to live in darkness for ye art children of light.

 Love and compassion is needeth to be shed upon one another.  As ye my children embarketh upon a new journey unbeknown to man.  Ye must be led by the Father.  Hearest my voice, for yea, I am speaking.  Followeth the voice of the Lord.  Not unto man for man wilt betrayeth thee.  Let love be thy guide.

Love is a powerful comodity upon man but he knowest not thereof.  Man chooseth to squander.  Man squandereth in hate and other seat of emotions upon thy comfort.  For it was love that propelled the resurrection.  Love takes more effort.  Love goes beyond compromise.  It is more of a challenge to love which is why man chooses hate.  The difference between an atom bomb and a nuclear bomb.

The younger children's voices needeth to be heard for yea, unto them  mankind needeth fresh oil and the anointing of wisdom.  Supplement what is taught unto thy children in schools.  Subliminal plots of the enemy against the children through the mind.  I revealeth unto my people through visions and dreams.  An end-time source of direction for yea, the media has been infiltrated and polluted by the evil one.  A warning, BEWARE.  Shield thy minds by reading and viewing appropriate literature.  Prayer wilt act as a shield to filter out demonic demise.  Be ye not the ones to compromise.  The enemy attacketh the divinely inspired WILL of man.

A proper diet must be adhered to.  Encourage one another for words spoken are powerful.  May be the difference between life and death.

I sendeth prophecies unto the young children in each family.  A secret way of communication from unto the Father.  Listen to their dialogue.  A secret mode of survival for the airways have become corrupt.  Listen to their voices and take heed to the word of the Lord spoken out of their mouths.  A secret mode of communication given from unto the Father.  Align the children's voices with scripture.  Ye wilt heareth the Father speak.

Speaketh unto the young women for the enemy hath planned an attack against the womb of reproduction to contaminate the womb from the birthing of males through sexual promiscuity and the contraction of disease.
A form of genocide to reduce the upcoming need in increase of military forces.  The target are the younger men who can offer manpower and strength.  Return to the covenant of marriage as the foundation of sexual affairs.  Many strains of viruses to be announced without a cure.  Wise choices must be made to prevent this form of extermination towards the younger generation.

Educate the young children regarding biblical prophecy.  They needeth an understanding for the direction of the Lord.  Let not age matter.  Educate I say.  Plant seeds for they wilt germinate and grow.  Assist the young ones how to piece things together to formulate concepts within their mind.

Intercessors must pray to seeth behind closed doors to seeth wickedness in high places, not exposed yet, but soon to come, saith the Father.

Personal properties wilt be at stake as the governments wilt express a need to taketh over land.  Set not thy hearts on material things.  Learn to live with less and not be corrupted by media spending.  Determine what ye wilt need upon necessity.  Be frugal in thy spending within this hour.  Not a time for riotous living.  Knowest thou this, every penny counts, saith the Father.  Become thrifty and spend less.  The Father giveth wisdom from on high from the Throne.  Heed my beconning call.  Seek me in Genesis 1:1-3, 14;  Matthew 24 and 25: 1-13, Psalm 33:18, 2 Peter 3, Luke 21, Matthew 9: 8-17 and Hebrews 3,4,11

Go in peace my children for I am with thee.  I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.