7/22/12@12:00mn - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by De'bora To The Nations [Copyright (c) 2012 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]
A powerful anointing shall descend upon the church, saith the Lord for those who followeth my commands. A season of change and transition as my spirit moves across the lands. Search out the scriptures for truth for what ye wilt see and hear unto the media will baffle even the most intellectual mind. Securities around the world shall be breached as man seeketh fame and fortune. Pray before releasing information, saith the Lord. For many wilt seeketh personal gain over honest integrity. Beware, the spirit of deception pervails. When in doubt, seek unto the Father for I wilt showest thee how the spirit is trying to manifest upon a situation. I shall reveal "the hidden things" unto my children. Plan and be well organized in all things. It would be better to wait than to move forward without a plan. The enemy watcheth intently. Seek divine wisdom. Rely not upon thy cognitive thought processes for ye may error. Not a season for investments without confirmation from the Father, yea or nay. Knowest thou this, thy Father which art in heaven is able to prosper thee in drought. But ye must be led by my spirit, saith the Lord. A greater level of intimacy is required for success in all endeavors, saith the Lord. A season for continuous prayer. Pray for the younger generations for they shall spring forth suddenly as warriors unto my kingdom. Take care of thy health, my children, saith the Lord. For air borne diseases shall be made manifest from unsanitary conditions in foreign lands. Proper sleep, diet and exercise wilt aid to shieldeth thee. Not a season for riotus living, wilt have negative results. Pray for adequate health care from the professionals. Silent atrocities are occuring, "Behind the Scenes", in secret places unbeknown to man. But yea, I shall expose truth. Knowest thou this, the media does not revealeth all regarding health care matters. Watch for political forums to convey, " A Meeting of the Minds." Deceptions through false religions shall increase at a rapid rate, as man seeketh "quick" solutions to major problems. Allow time for solitude each day to spend time with the Father. Messianic impartation shall befall upon many churches. Go in peace, my children, I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.