5/20/12@7:00am - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright (c) 2012 by Deborah Freeland] [All Rights Reserved]
Many knoweth not the time, nor the hour. They straddle the time zone, not pleasing unto the Father, saith the Lord. For yea, it bringeth forth confusion and unnecessary warfare upon thy family near and far, generations I say, unto the four corners of the earth. For yea, this is a generational anointing I showereth upon my children, saith the Lord. Teach this in thy ministries. A destiny shift has occured unto the church. A universal message, saith the Lord. I am moving as unto the fulfillment of scripture my children. Listen for and be attentive to my commands. Follow and obey. Lean not to thine own understanding. Leave the rebellious ones behind. They wilt come forth in due season. But nay, not until they have experienced trials and opposition due to portals, legal right of trespass unto the enemy. Come forth my children for yea, perilous times lie ahead. Come unto the shelter of the Father. My wings shieldeth thee from the onslaught of the enemy. Blessings showered upon thee from unto the Father maketh one rich and addeth no sorrow. Come my children come, saith the Lord. Seek me in Ecclesiastes 3, Joel 2:28, Acts 2, Books of Daniel and Revelation.
Many knoweth not the time, nor the hour. They straddle the time zone, not pleasing unto the Father, saith the Lord. For yea, it bringeth forth confusion and unnecessary warfare upon thy family near and far, generations I say, unto the four corners of the earth. For yea, this is a generational anointing I showereth upon my children, saith the Lord. Teach this in thy ministries. A destiny shift has occured unto the church. A universal message, saith the Lord. I am moving as unto the fulfillment of scripture my children. Listen for and be attentive to my commands. Follow and obey. Lean not to thine own understanding. Leave the rebellious ones behind. They wilt come forth in due season. But nay, not until they have experienced trials and opposition due to portals, legal right of trespass unto the enemy. Come forth my children for yea, perilous times lie ahead. Come unto the shelter of the Father. My wings shieldeth thee from the onslaught of the enemy. Blessings showered upon thee from unto the Father maketh one rich and addeth no sorrow. Come my children come, saith the Lord. Seek me in Ecclesiastes 3, Joel 2:28, Acts 2, Books of Daniel and Revelation.