Friday, November 4, 2011


10/30/11 - Divine Revelation From The Throne - Delivered by Apostle / Prophetess De'bora To The Nations [Copyright 2011 by Deborah Freeland.] [All Rights Reserved]

Express to my people De'bora, "The need for my people to embrace change." For I shalt begin to moveth upon the lands. New anointings are needed for those who embrace the call. Preparation of my kingdom is at hand, saith the Father. A repositioning unto fulfillment upon the destiny of man. Worry not of thy understanding. I reveleath unto thee secrets. A breakdown in communication shall prevail among leadership in all organizational structures. Leadership shalt become corrupt. An attack of the enemy to divert progress upon the nations. Intercessors must be on guard. For many hath gone astray. Not pleasing unto the Father. Prayer serveth as a weapon of warfare. Fortify for a major army develops unto the enemies kingdom for thy demise. Be ye watchful and prayerful my children, saith the Lord. Be ye not as lost souls. Knowest divine purpose. When in doubt seekest unto the Father for wisdom and understanding. I poureth upon thee wisdom for my people, saith the Father.