Wednesday, March 11, 2009

3/10/09 @ 12:00 noon - Divine Revelation From The Throne For The Nations - Delivered by Prophetess De'bora


De'bora, the Father speakest unto thee. Tell my people, this is a season of change to rebuild thy lives, saith the Lord. Have courage and faith in the future. Be careful of the wolf in this season, for ye must be cautious, use spiritual eyes. A necessary feat, least the enemy cometh against thee to sift ye as wheat. For yea, he is crafty. Be ye not ignorant of his devices, my children and let not the enemy get advantage over thee, saith the Lord. But know that ye are divinely protected. Stay underneath the covering. doth not my word say, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. I have not left thee my children, for yea, I am here. The Father watchest thee, day in and day out. Yea, I am not in human form. But knowest thou this, I am here, neglect me not. Bask in my presence. I am multiplying in my kingdom. Move with a quickness to complete thy assignments unto the Father. And yea, be ye consistent, my children, walk by faith. A change of heart, the Father giveth unto thee for more love. Loveth thy brethren as the Father hath loveth unto thee for I am watching, watch thy tongues, holliness unto the Lord. Doth not my word say, "Be ye holy for I am holy," Give thanks and despise not the little things for yea, there is a greater weight in glory. It is a time for entrepreurial ventures to come forth. Seek the Father for divine wisdom. Listen for my voice for thy commands. Decree and declare VICTORY and it shall come to pass. Watch thy dietary restrictions. Knowest thou this, I cannot use a broken vessel, one that is not healthy, saith the Lord. There must be holliness unto the Lord in the hearts and minds of the people, for the nations hath gone astray. Come back to me, my children, saith the Lord, for the Father loveth thee. Knowest thou this, ye must learn how to love one another, else ye will see much devastationd throughout the lands. My word is true. Be ye not weary in well doing my children, saith the Lord, do good unto all men.Go in thy peace. I Beseech Thee Not It Is I Thus Saith The Lord.

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